Recently two personal friends and clients along with a website visitor from New Jersey contacted us as they have been hospitalized and then went to Skilled Nursing. While Medicare generally pays the 1st 20 days of skilled nursing in full, there is a $185 co pay for days 21 to 100 and then NO COVERAGE!
Medicare has strict rules about Medical Necessity. So, while one might not be able to take care of themselves… That doesn’t mean they qualify for Skilled Nursing. Medicare does NOT cover Long Term Care!
So, please review the information below and plan beforehand. EVEN IF YOU DON’T GET ANY ADDITIONAL COVERAGE FROM US!
We can help you out in obtaining Long Term Care coverage including Home Health Care or we do have a non-insurance plan that is practically guaranteed issue for Home Health Care only.
P.S. If you don’t want to read, here’s a Video details & explanation of this email, the links and screen shots below
Did you hear about how ARPA American Rescue Plan has increased the subsidies for those under 65?
Medicare Coverage for #SkilledNursing – 10153
Our Introductory You Tube VIDEO based on this manual
(Clinical Guidelines Explained so much better and in logical order!)
- Medicare’s VIDEO Nursing Home / Long-Term Care
- Our Webpage on Long Term Care
- Skilled Nursing & Home Health Care
- True Freedom Home Health Care