Individual & Family Health Insurance for California

2025 Covered CA Information


  • Covered California announced its health plans and preliminary rates for the 2025 coverage year. Read all the details in the full press release here.
    • No extra charge for having an agent/broker.
  • Quick Information on the 2025 Plans and Preliminary Rates:
    • Covered California announced its health plans and rates for the 2025 coverage year with a preliminary weighted average rate increase of 7.9%; this rate change can be attributed to many factors, including a continued rise in health care use, increases in pharmacy costs, the rising cost of care, labor shortages, and other issues affecting the health care industry.
    • Continued support for the state-enhanced cost-sharing reduction (CSR) program will eliminate deductibles and lower the cost of care for over a million Californians.
    • Nearly 25% of current enrollees are estimated to have a $0 premium in 2025, a jump from 20% in 2024.
      Beginning November 1, Affordable Care Act coverage will be made available for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients.
    • In 2025, with 12 health carriers providing insurance across the state, all Californians will have two or more choices, 92% will be able to choose from three carriers or more, and 85% will have four or more carriers to choose from.
    • Kaiser will cover 55% of the enrollees in Monterey County, as Valley Health Plan exits that region.
  • Get Instant Quotes & Subsidy Calculation




Covered CA 2024


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Resources & Links 

How to use your Health Plan & FAQ’s 

CHCF California Health Policy Survey 

chcf California health policy survey

  • 1/2 of California's skipped health care in the past year, due to cost
  • 1/4 themselves or knew someone who had problems paying a bill
  • 1/5 had someone close to them experience homelessness
  • 1/2 have used telehealth - phone or video
  • 6 in 10 think there is racial or ethnic disparity

Hitler & Mental Health Disabilities T 4 

Speak up!  Do want you can to make sure this doesn't happen in the USA! 

Translation for the poster below:

"This person suffering from hereditary defect  costs the community $60,000 Reichsmark during his lifetime. Fellow German, that is your money, too. Translation & Image Courtesy of Psychology 

nazi t 4 program


Under  the T 4 program, T4  Certain German physicians were authorized to select patients "deemed incurably sick, after most critical medical examination" and then administer to them a "mercy death" (Gnadentod).[7] The T4 programme stemmed from the Nazi Party policy of "racial hygiene", a belief that the German people needed to be cleansed of racial enemies, which included anyone confined to a mental health facility and people with simple physical disabilities.[31] T4  

The annual cost for a bed in a CDCR-operated, inpatient psychiatric program is around $301,000

Did President Trump??? really say and mean this? 


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