Covered CA Certified Agent – Broker
we help you at NO Additional Charge!

New simple way to have us appointed as your broker, no extra charge is to:


More detail on the process

More detail on Agent Delegation
What we do in the Covered CA portal


  • Once we get your information, we fill out this form in the broker section of the Covered CA website.


Covered CA - Agent Delegation

Here’s the “rules” of our customer – broker relationship.

Covered CA Agent Delegation

After we fill this out… Covered CA will text you an authorization code.

Then you email us [email protected]  the number Covered CA sent you.

Appoint us from your Covered CA account


How to appoint us from your Covered CA #Account

First Go to

Unfortunately,  it’s quite confusing to appoint an agent!  If all else fails, just send us [email protected] your user name & password and we will do it.  Our email coming and going is encrypted by

Per Covered CA an agent delegation can only by completed by one of the following ways:

  1. If you have  access to your account dashboard you  can log into your account and assign us as the agent of record.   See instructions below on “managing delegates.”  Authorized Representative is to let your friend or relative get your private information.
  2. See March 2021 procedure above, where you just email us your information…
  3. You can call Covered CA  Member Service Center at 1-800-300-1506 and ask them to make the change of  Steve Shorr as your agent of record.  Email from Covered CA dated June 20, 2019


 VIDEO Explanation – How to Appoint Broker  by Steve


2nd VIDEO – picks up where first left off 

View ALL our You Tube Video’s

Videos by Steve Shorr


Click on the question mark, then click on find local help.


find help

Click on find agentfind agent
Type in Shorrput in shorr

Here’s what our broker info looks like on Covered CA’s website


Steve's Covered CA Broker Info


Boiler Plate on what advantages you get using our expertise.

meaning of selecting agent

If you already have an agent, you need to deselect him or her.

already selected agent



Covered CA Agent Delegation

How to deselect agent, so you can appoint a new one.


manage delegates

Click to remove prior agent.unselect agent

8 comments on “Covered CA Broker – Agent Appointment No extra charge

  1. Hi Steve,

    I have an application for Covered CA in process and due to starting it before my divorce was finalized

    it’s having issues with ID verification.

    let me know what is needed for ID verification.

  2. What does it mean to appoint you as my agent so that you can help me with a MAJOR problem, in that I’ve been cancelled for non-payment of premium.

    Will I still be able to call Covered CA and access my account, anytime?

    Is an agent the SOLE representer on my behalf?

    • First off, it means we might be able to get the measly $50 renewal commission from Kaiser for doing maybe $500 worth of work, trying to get you reinstated when it’s alleged you didn’t pay your premiums, which is NOT allowed under ACA – Obamacare.

      Yes, you can still access your Covered CA account 24/7 and you can call Covered CA anytime. We do ask that you not duplicate efforts. That is, if you ask us to do something and we are working on it, that you not call Covered CA or Kaiser and ask them to do the same thing. Too many cooks spoil the soup.

      Have you seen our biography?

      10 reasons to use us, rather than Covered CA direct?

      Congressional Findings on the value of an agent?

  3. So I live with my sister and her fiancee. We all work and pay for our own things.

    Am I considered my own household?

    Or are we a three person household?

    Or how does that work

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