17 Reasons & Testimonials of why YOU will feel better with Steve Shorr Insurance
Here’s a client that had a small group plan with Kaiser direct no broker helping them!
After we were appointed as there broker, no additional charge, we able to get the owner into Kaiser MAPD, with no compensation for us. We are compensated on the lower small group premium, after taking the owner off the plan. Kaiser agreed to backdate the MAPD application and look at the refund we got him!
17 Reasons to use Steve Shorr Insurance
as your agent/broker
There is no additional charge Section 1301 a 1 c (iii) PPACA * 42 U.S. Code § 18021, for our services in advising and helping you obtain the coverage best suited for your needs. Qualified health plans agree to charge the same premium rate without regard to whether the plan is offered through Covered CA or whether the plan is offered directly from the issuer or through an agent
- unsolicited testimonials!
The Insurance Companies or HMO’s compensate us, as it saves both you and them time and money. Under ACA/Health Care Reform, it’s not a whole lot of $$$, Insure Me Kevin.com * so we have streamlined to fit with the times. We are not like some companies that think our customers are OK with lousy Service. LA Times 8.3.2021 * No wait on hold, email us [email protected] your questions.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the IRS provided you a CPA to help do your taxes at no charge?
Steve Shorr (double “r”) our President and founder has a “Zeal for Excellence” and over 30 years of experience and formal education, including:
Bachelor of Science Degree from San Diego State University majoring in Insurance.
He also holds the following designations: Chartered Property & Casualty Underwriter CPCU;
Registered Employee Benefit Counselor REBC;
Life Underwriting Training Fellow LUTCF and Registered Health Underwriter RHU*, which gives us strong foundation in the Principles of Insurance.
- He’s hoping to Trust what he hears and learns but verifies it too. Wikipedia – Ronald Reagan *
Since 1981 Steve has been serving individuals, small and medium businesses.
- We provide Instant 24/7 Quotes, Brochures & Enrollment Materials
- Of course, we are here to help you review the above materials and select the plans most appropriate to your needs, concerns and budget.
- California – Individual & Family Health Insurance
- Employer Group Health Insurance
- Medicare – What A Hospital and B Doctor Visits don’t cover
- Dental Coverage
- Life Insurance.
- Of course, we are here to help you review the above materials and select the plans most appropriate to your needs, concerns and budget.
- How to enroll in our complementary service for your Covered CA account.
- We are still here to help, despite many brokers and navigators leaving the market place. Modern Health Care 7.3.2018 Since 2019 there is less Government Support for navigators Calif Health Line * LA Times 7.10.2018 *
Seven More
- We provide the ultimate in customer service in our role as your agent. You will never wait on hold – email [email protected] or call us 310.519.1335; if we are helping another client, leave a message which will be returned within 2 business hours.
- American consumers spend, on average, 13 hours per year in calling queue. HBR.org * Now here at Steve Shorr Insurance!!! Email us! Set a meeting!
- Check out where we changed an address & income, in the Covered CA portal, when the client tried 4x, Covered CA reps couldn’t do it 3x and even Medi Cal didn’t get it done in a year & a half!
- We can also meet with you face to face visits at your office, factory, home; or at our office which is conveniently , located off the 110 Freeway in San Pedro, CA a suburb of Los Angeles..
- We don’t just give you an off the top of our head answer, but will email you an actual citation to the law or actual insurance company brochure, evidence of coverage, etc.
- Thus you can rely on our answer and don’t have to wait hours on hold talking to Customer Service Representatives Looking for a script
- Cal Broker Magazine May 2019 reports that licensed agents receive the highest consumer satisfaction scores.
- Check out our testimonials page.
- We counsel you to get the coverage you need for financial security, as close to half of all bankruptcy filings are due to debt from medical expenses and not just trade dollars with the Insurance Companies.
- American consumers spend, on average, 13 hours per year in calling queue. HBR.org * Now here at Steve Shorr Insurance!!! Email us! Set a meeting!
- We monitor Health Reform – Affordable Care Act, Insurance, and taxation * Laws such as HIPAA, COBRA HSA’s, Section §125, The Governor’s Proposals, etc. and post to this website. We do our best to make sure our clients have the best coverage available, that it meets their needs and that our answers are the correct ones with actual citations to the law or Insurance Company official literature. For example:
- No sense paying back advance premium subsidies because Covered CA doesn’t understand and gives the wrong advice Polk Case that MAGI Income isn’t just what’s on line 37 of your 1040.
- Individuals & Employer Groups of one non-spousal w-2 employee or more are now guaranteed medical & health coverage through any medical carrier, including HMO’s and PPO’s. AB 1672.& 1083 2701 10965.3
- Sample List of conditions and diseases that may be covered with NO Pre X clause under Health Care Reform. nlm.nih.gov/
Employer provided fringe benefits (Health Insurance) are usually tax deductible for the employer and non taxable to the employee. Section 106 IRS publication 15b
- Brokers can help you get through the broken system Forbes
- We represent many fine Medical & Life Insurance companies to meet your needs, including but not limited to Covered CA, Kaiser, Blue Cross, Blue Shield, UnitedHealthcare, Oscar and Health Net.
- As a public service we also link to various State & Federal Programs for the uninsured, low income, disabled, or chronic medical conditions. (Leviticus 19:9)
- We get tons of Testimonials – the more recent ones are in the Q & A at the bottom of most all of our webpages + numerous one in private emails.
- We are mandated by law to be honest, deal with you in good faith and deal fairly 10192.555 and to show you ALL plans for the carrier’s that we represent. CA Insurance Code §10753.05 B 1 We also answer to higher authority…
We maintain this extensive website which includes Video Explanations, Introductions and links to the actual law or Insurance Company brochures. Sign up here to be notified of our website updates.
- It’s more than just the $$$ Commission
- US Army Ranger Creed
This isn’t 10, 12 or 15 as some of the reasons are became sub parts of the ones listed earlier.
*Some of these degrees require continuing education and dues payments. We show them as part of our formal education & training, not all may be current. Take a look at our website, we are in constant training and self education
Testimonials & Accolades
Thank you so much for your assist in navigating this complicated insurance process.
I feel so lucky to find you!
I would like to contact you if I have any questions in the future because you are the only one who can give me a clear answer in this field.
I really, really appreciate you. 🙏
Julie L
Read our other clients testimonials and/or write one
#Covered CA Certified Agent
No extra charge for complementary assistance
- Get Instant Health Quotes, Subsidy Calculation & Enroll
- Appoint us as your broker
- Get Instant Health Quotes, Subsidy Calculation & Enroll
- Videos on how great agents are
All our plans are Guaranteed Issue with No Pre X Clause
Quote & Subsidy #Calculation
There is No charge for our complementary services
Watch our 10 minute VIDEO
that explains everything about getting a quote
- Our Quote Engine Takes all the complexity out of using pencil and paper to figure out the premiums per the Obamacare/ACA rules under CFR §1.36B-3 *
- Get more detail on the Individual & Family Carriers available in CA
Congress values the benefits of Agents and Brokers in Health Insurance
Congress finds the following: HR 1206 SEC. 2. FINDINGS.HR 2328 Rogers
(1) Licensed independent insurance producers (agents and brokers) provide a wide range of services for both individual consumers and the business community. Producers interface with insurers, acquire quotes, analyze plan options, and consult clients through the purchase of health insurance.
(2) Licensed independent insurance producers provide guidance regarding benefit and contribution arrangements to ensure compliance with applicable State and Federal laws and regulations; assist with establishing section 125 plan tax savings under the Internal Revenue Code, health reimbursement arrangements, flexible spending arrangements, and other programs to maximize tax advantages and ensure compliance with applicable Internal Revenue Service guidelines; create educational materials and provide on-site assistance to aid in employee benefit communication; assist in managing eligibility for new hires and terminated employees; provide advocacy for employees through the health insurance claim process; and advocate for employers with insurers in developing proposals, renewals, and for service issues throughout the year.
(3) In order to meet these responsibilities, licensed independent insurance producers are required to complete continuing education on an ongoing basis in order to maintain appropriate licenses. This requirement to maintain educational standards helps assure the insured public that producers remain current with the ever-evolving insurance market.
Check out our Education Background
(4) It is essential that licensed independent insurance producers continue to perform these duties, and others, as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has made significant changes to the regulatory environment for health plans. To understand these changes, employers and consumers will need professional guidance even more in the future. This service is especially important for small businesses, as such producers often fill the role of a human resources department as well as professional consultant.
(5) The National Association of Insurance Commissioners--whose core mission is to protect consumers in all aspects of the business of insurance–strongly advocates for the continuing role of licensed independent insurance producers in health insurance, and has expressed that the ability of insurance agents and brokers to continue assisting health insurance consumers at a time of rapid insurance market changes is more essential than ever.
(6) It is critical that the indispensable role played by licensed independent insurance producers is recognized and protected. thomas.loc.gov
Person-to-Person Assistance,
Especially Through Agents,
Is Vital to Promoting Covered CA Enrollment
Most of Covered California’s enrollment comes from a range of channels that provide person-to-person assistance to help people enroll. At Covered California, about 40 percent of all enrollment is from consumers who enroll directly through the website (CoveredCA.com) (see Figure 10: Covered California 2017 Enrollment by Service Channel), but most consumers want and need personal assistance with enrolling.
The biggest single channel for enrollment is through Certified Insurance Agents who are paid directly by health plans through commissions. Agents enroll 47 percent of Covered California’s consumers. These are trained and licensed professionals who operate storefronts and do in-person retail sales. It also includes web-based entities. All agents must be certified by Covered California.
Some health plans have decades of experience funding agent channels to attract and enroll consumers. Covered California has successfully
established a variety of programs to promote and partner with agents. Covered CA Report
Full Story – CA Health Line 2.18.2016
Covered CA letter to Secretary Burwell 2 pages pdf
Kirk . . .
Just want to set the record straight.
Concerning the article referenced below about Executive Director Lee standing up for agents, the article states at one point: “Lee said it has become apparent to him that some insurers are trying to avoid sicker customers by slashing their payouts to agents.”
While this statement makes for interesting headlines, an act such as this has been unlawful as an identified “discriminatory practice” in the Insurance Code for many years, and it IS NOT HAPPENING in California — not in 2016, not in 2015, or 2014, or in any of the years predating CoveredCA’s operations. It does not affect current agent compensation one iota. Agent compensation was slashed by as much as 75%-80% in direct response to the 80% Medical Loss Ratio embedded in the PPACA. In the years prior to the enactment of the PPACA, health insurance commissions ranged upward of 20%-25% of annualized premiums.
There is no underwriting of individual health insurance in California. Insurers have no way of identifying “sicker” persons prior to actually encountering their medical expenses, because no health questions are asked during the enrollment process. So there is no way to alter the compensation paid to agents.
Additionally, agents do not receive differing compensation based on open or special enrollment periods. Only Kaiser pays agents a flat $100 per new enrollment and $0 for renewals, a significant departure from the other players who all pay about 4% of premium for new and renewal business. HealthNet is the only company that first deducts all fees and taxes from premiums prior to calculating commissions, the others pay on the gross commission amount, so while HealthNet pays a 4% commission, it is actually a smaller effective rate compared to the commission practices at the other insurers I represent.
Perhaps Executive Director Lee can address the Kaiser and HealthNet compensation issues specifically.
Laws, Education, Rules, Powers of Principal (Insurance Company) by agent
Overview of Agency Relationships SHSU.Edu
Agent: A person who agrees to act on behalf of and instead of his or her principal, subject to the principal’s control. A good example would be an insurance agent.
Implied Authority: actual authority that is
(i) conferred by custom (“everyone in the job has always done this…”),
(ii) inferred from the position the agent occupies (you would expect a vice president to be able to act on behalf of the company), or
(iii) inferred as being reasonably necessary to carry out express authority (sign the contract).
Apparent Authority: Authority that arises when a principal, by either words or actions, causes a third party to believe that an agent has authority to act, even though the agent has no express or implied authority to act with regard to the particular matter at hand.
Business Law & Legal Environment
Chapter 37: Insurance
Chapter 38: Relationships between Principal and Agent
- Chapter Introduction
- Introduction to Agency and the Types of Agents
- Implied Agency
- In areas of social need, courts have declared an agency to exist in the absence of an agreement. The agency relationship then is said to have been implied “by operation of law.” Children in most states may purchase necessary items—food or medical services—on the parent’s account. Long-standing social policy deems it desirable for the head of a family to support his dependents, and the courts will put the expense on the family head in order to provide for the dependents’ welfare. The courts achieve this result by supposing the dependent to be the family head’s agent, thus allowing creditors to sue the family head for the debt.Implied agencies also arise where one person behaves as an agent would and the “principal,” knowing that the “agent” is behaving so, acquiesces, allowing the person to hold himself out as an agent. Such are the basic facts in Weingart v. Directoire Restaurant, Inc. in Section 38.3.1 “Creation of Agency: Liability of Parent for Contracts Made by “Agent” Child”.
- Apparent Agency
Suppose Arthur is Paul’s agent, employed through October 31. On November 1, Arthur buys materials at Lumber Yard—as he has been doing since early spring—and charges them to Paul’s account. Lumber Yard, not knowing that Arthur’s employment terminated the day before, bills Paul. Will Paul have to pay? Yes, because the termination of the agency was not communicated to Lumber Yard. It appeared that Arthur was an authorized agent. This issue is discussed further in Chapter 39 “Liability of Principal and Agent; Termination of Agency”. - Apparent authority is the power of an agent to act on behalf of a principal, even though not expressly or impliedly granted. This power arises only if a third party reasonably infers, from the principal’s conduct, that the principal granted such power to the agent. The idea of apparent authority protects third parties who would otherwise incur losses if the agent’s signature did not bind the principal after reasonable observers thought that it would. Typically, if an agent has apparent authority, the agent’s principal will be held liable for the actions of the agent which are within the scope of the apparent authority.“The doctrine protects innocent third persons who have reasonably relied to their detriment upon the representations of those whom the principal holds out as possessing authority to act for him.” law.cornell.edu/apparent_authority *
- An agent is one who acts on behalf of another. Many transactions are conducted by agents so acting. All corporate transactions, including those involving governmental organizations, are so conducted because corporations cannot themselves actually act; they are legal fictions. Agencies may be created expressly, impliedly, or apparently. Recurring issues in agency law include whether the “agent” really is such, the scope of the agent’s authority, and the duties among the parties. The five types of agents include: general agent, special agent, subagent, agency coupled with an interest, and servant (or employee). The independent contractor is not an employee; her activities are not specifically controlled by her client, and the client is not liable for payroll taxes, Social Security, and the like. But it is not uncommon for an employer to claim workers are independent contractors when in fact they are employees, and the cases are often hard-fought on the facts.
Chapter 39: Liability of Principal and Agent; Termination of Agency
Related Pages in Introduction to Our Services & Consultation »
Free Agent Support and Consultation Section
Instructions on how to appoint us as your Covered CA Agent – NO CHARGE!!!
my notes…
10 minutes, per 28 CCR §1300.67.2.2. (c) (10))
So I foolishly did not pay my Medicare premiums and my part B got cancelled. Can you tell me how to get it back? I am at a loss as to where to start.
We will answer that on our Part B Penalty Page
My best friends, cousins, x wife’s, brother referred me to an agent who is a “Master Broker.” So, what do I need you for?
I’ve never heard the term Master Broker*, what is it?
Can your Master Broker, respond authoritatively with an actual citation and not just a guess off the top of their head?
If there is an official designation of Master Broker, I would have applied for it, if I felt it was worth my time and effort. Does your “Master Broker” have a website with even 1/2 this information?
P.S. How many ACA agents know about this pending case, where there won’t be any more protection against Pre-Existing Conditions?
*Except from one guy known to be a blow hard. Maybe he used to be in the trucking business?
Check out this article in New York Times 11.13.2017. Agents are paid by the Insurance Company at no cost to you. Non – Profits that may have helped people in the past are having their funding cut. Trump is encouraging people to use agents. So is Covered CA.