Phone, Skype, Zoom or Face to Face Meetings

Terms of Service – Expectations

Terms of Service  

  1. We are happy to set up phone, Zoom, Skype or face to face  appointments during normal working hours.  Here’s our  scheduling tool.
    1. Outside of normal hours may be available on request
  2. Prior to the meeting, we ask that you:
    1. For Health Insurance get a quote – proposal so that we have a “start” on the information we need to help you
      1. If it’s not Open Enrollment, that you review the Special Enrollment Reasons – Triggers.
    2. We also need to have any relevant documents emailed or uploaded via secure site to us prior to the meeting so that we can review them, to help you file an appeal or get the issue resolved.
      1. We’ve learned that we must read documents, legal codes, Insurance Company rules, three times and when we think we understand them, to read them again, per Justice Felix Frankfurther.
    3. A list of your Questions – Set an Agenda 
      1. so we can research your issues and be able to ask you the correct questions to help you.
        1. No surprise questions.
        2. If you have documents for use to review or something you want to tell us about, please send that beforehand so we can research it.
          1. We have to attest that we gave you all the information to make an informed decision.
    4. If you are with Covered CA – that you appoint us as your agent, Instructions.
      1. If you don’t like our service, you can always change it later.
  3. We will send you the relevant brochures, Insurance Company rules, Law and information via email prior to the meeting, so that we both have them for review and reference, as mandated by conservative interpretations of law and regulations – for example Humana’s rules.
    1. You may only rely on the printed word with a bonafide citation to actual law or relevant brochure… not anything that we may have said, interpreted or that you think we said.   We will email them to you after the meeting, if they were not in what we sent prior to the meeting.
  4. Just meet us on Zoom at the appointed time.
    1. That way we can review everything before we call and have the information on our monitors and at our finger tips.
  5. Competent adults must contact us directly.  We will not and are not allowed to transact Insurance – a legal document, through 3rd parties or their parents?
    1. Parents – Advisers can always ask questions on our website.
      1. can read any of the quotes and emails we send to the person they are trying to help.
  6. If you want to discuss Medicare Advantage and/or Part D Rx plans, everyone must sign a scope of appointment 2 days prior to the meeting.
    1. If you are not able to download, sign and return the scope of appointment, just send an email that your read, understood and agree to it.  We can also record your consent.
    2. Federal Law might mandate the meeting be recorded under CFR 42 § 422.2274  We are waiting for official guidance.
  7. Under ACA/Health Care Reform commissions have been cut, thus we concentrate on helping our clients with the complicated, convoluted parts of insurance.
    1. If the relevant insurance company has an online affiliate application – link, we expect that you will be able to complete the application.  This generally takes 20 to 30 minutes.
      1. We can help, but we would rather concentrate our time on the complicated things…
      2. View President Trump’s Speech on how complicated Health Insurance is.
  8. There is NO Charge for meeting with you.  We are compensated by the Insurance Companies to help you.  If they don’t pay us, they have to pay their employees to spend hours on hold with you.
    1. There are times, when people ask us to do research, tutoring and education and since the Insurance Company won’t be paying us, like if they are getting coverage from their employer, other insurance agents, attorney’s, they feel they are obligated to buy from their cousin in the business, Medi Cal, SSI, etc. that you can pay us directly for our time.  Click here to learn more.
      1. Questions in the FAQs / Ask Us a Question  are done at no charge, as they are mutually beneficial, you get an answer, we get a more robust and informative website.
  9. Privacy – Nothing you tell us leaves our office – except what goes on an Insurance Application, Quote or Claim form.  We do not sell you information!  Learn More:
    1. Privacy Statement
      1. Privacy – Federal HIPAA
    2. Web site Visitor Agreement

All our plans are Guaranteed Issue with No Pre X Clause
Quote & Subsidy #Calculation
There is No charge for our complementary services

Guaranteed Issue - No Pre X Clause - Quote & Subsidy Calculation - No charge for our complementary services - If not in CA click here for Nationwide Quotes

Watch our 10 minute VIDEO
that explains everything about getting a quote

Full detailed explanation of how to use our quote engine video

Health Insurance unfortunately is very complicated

President Trump February 27, 2017

We are still here. We’ve been forced to be efficient. Many of the brokers who have left the market – refer clients to us
agent broker aca participation declining

We have to attest that we gave you all the information…
Thus, we need information from you too, in advance.

informed decision

Our Medicare Advantage Mandatory Training AHIP
talks of documenting every sales call.


So, we will send you an email follow up, after a call, meeting or zoom meeting.  Please note, ID cards are not issued in 24 hours, may take two weeks.

Rules on Sales Meetings


During the meeting, Medicare plans and people who work with Medicare can’t:

  • Communicate incorrect information about their plan type or use inappropriate statements like their plan is “the best” or “highest ranked.”
  • Tell you about other plan options you haven’t agreed to discuss, unless you specifically ask about them (to discuss these options, you need to complete a separate scope of appointment form).
  • Give you written information with a complete description of how the plan works.


During the meeting, Medicare plans and people who work with Medicare can:

  • Give you plan materials.
  • Tell you how to get more plan information.
  • Tell you about the plan options you agreed to discuss.

prevent allegations of insurance sales wrong doiong



Art of Fighting without Fighting
Bruce Lee – Enter the Dragon 

We don’t want to be caught unprepared to help you

Here’s more explanation of our terms of service  that to set a meeting, we must have your questions and agenda in advance.  If your question is a  surprize we may not be able to give  exact correct answer,  it’s quite helpful for you to allow us to do  the research in advance.

We don’t like making you wait on hold while we research the answer.  We learned in our one year of law school to  read the material 3 times and then when we think we understand it, read it again, as  Justice Frankfurter  said.

  • We don’t want to make people wait on the phone forever and then get wrong answers.

We don’t want to be “down trodden” or feel picked on.

As a negotiating tacticsurprise can be a powerful tool that can be used to allow one side of the table to maintain pressure on the other side of the table. The thinking is that by dropping a surprise on the other side, you’ll be able to put them off balance and as they try to deal with the new situation, you can pounce and attempt to get the concessions or deal that you want out of the negotiations.

Hitting you with a surprise is a clever tactic. It can throw you off of your game and cause you to spend precious time trying to create a new strategy. While you are dealing with surprise, the other side can press their requests to have you either make concessions or to agree to a final deal.  the accidental

We don’t have any negotiating power.  The Insurance Companies and the law set the rates and rules, NOT US!!!


The surprise attack is one of the oldest of all negotiating tactics. It was written about in Sun Tzu’s classic The Art of Strategy. Sun Tzu’s teachings (Forbes Summary)  have retained relevance through more than twenty-three centuries, guiding warriors and business professionals alike to achieve triumph over opposition. A slight nuance to the surprise attack is the Ambush, where a party arrives at bargaining with many more people than were expected.


We are in  Collaborative Negotiations with you
Win Win

We want for you and I to  come to the meeting with the right people, information and the authority to discuss creative solutions that are mutually beneficial. Why do it differently? To conduct a surprise attack or an Ambush will be seen as confrontational and the beginning of the deterioration of negotiations.  Any other cooperative or collaborative things you do in negotiations will at best be received with suspicion or marginalized.


Defend Against Surprise Attack

There are preventive and defensive measures to handle a surprise attack.


  • BNP 6: Prepare, prepare, prepare
    • Check our website, we are certainly doing that.
  • BNP 7: Beware of your assumptions
  • BNP 8: Set the stage. Focus on building trust and relationships

There are no shortcuts to being prepared or building a relationship based on trust. Following these BNPs will minimize any risk of a surprise attack.


For reinforcement rely on BNP 11: Develop a joint agenda. If something comes up that you didn’t discuss when you negotiated the agenda, remind the other side that their new item is not on the agenda both parties agreed to and will have to wait for the next session.

8 comments on “Meeting – Expectations – Terms of Service

  1. I’m trying to show you a picture [screen shot] of my coverage, [and COBRA offer] but I don’t have the 1-sheet summary of coverage.

    I can, however, go online [to my employers portal] and click separately into every coverage category to show you coverage.

  2. Sorry, I wasn’t happy with our phone meeting yesterday.

    I am in an extremely busy time and I’m used to concise answers to what I would think is a basic question.

    I asked you for thirty minutes of attention to clarify some basic questions. Whenever I ask you a question you refer me to your website. I hate your website.

    I find it extremely difficult to navigate and it seems geared to answer the questions of people with different concerns than me.

  3. Why do you request documents that the Insurance Company or Covered CA sent to me.

    Don’t you have them in your agent portal?

    Don’t you just know off the top of your head, everything that the Insurance Companies or Covered CA does?

    • So that we know exactly what we are talking about. Justice Frankfurter said we have to read a law, bulletin, letter, Insurance Policy, whatever 3 times and then when we think we understand it, read it again.

      We don’t have a whole lot in the agent portal and it’s difficult to look it up while on the phone. Even when we do, if the information is there, I just don’t like putting clients on hold, while we review the information.

      If you want a correct answer with documentation or citation that it’s correct, we are the agent for you. If you just want to call the Insurance Company, Covered CA, other agents or your friends and take any answer based on how the wind is blowing, we are not a good fit.

      Even if I do know the answer, I want to double check so that we all know how the CORRECT answer was arrived at.

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