Part D Rx Late Enrollment Penalty LEP
How to Appeal the penalty?
What is the Part D Late Penalty &
How is the penalty calculated?
- If you don’t buy Part D Rx when you are supposed to, say when you’re first eligible, going back to 1.2006 Wikipedia. there is a late enrollment penalty LEP of 12%/year when you finally do. Medicare & You, * Part D Rx Guide, * Medicare.Gov
- The penalty applies whenever there is period of 63 or more days in a row when you don’t have Part D or other creditable prescription drug coverage.
- Say for example, Employer Group Coverage.
- Employers must notify you if your coverage is credible.
- See also eligibility & Residence if you lived outside the USA. See the Part D Rx Guide for ways to avoid the penalty, such as qualifying for LIS Low Income Subsidy aka Extra Help.
- The penalty applies whenever there is period of 63 or more days in a row when you don’t have Part D or other creditable prescription drug coverage.
Late Enrollment Penalty Appeal Form
Try turning your phone sideways to see the graphs & pdf's?
Appeals form & Where to send it
If you are being charged a Late Enrollment Penalty (LEP), you may request an LEP Reconsideration appeal with C2C Innovative Solutions, Inc , the Part D Qualified Independent Contractor. . * Just fill out the form and wait… Be sure to read the form below for reasons to file an appeal. There are not that many.
Part D LEP Appeal Form
Prescription Drug 2025 #RxGuide
PDF # 11109
Coverage Gap - Donut Hole $2,000 Cap
- Medicare Part D Rx generally runs say $30 to $100. See link below for how to shop premiums.
- Scope of appointment - permission to discuss Rx and MAPD Plans
- Our Webpage Premiums for those with High Income Parts D Rx & B Doctor Visits
- Medicare Rules for High Income People Medicare Costs # 11579
- Our #High Income Surcharge Video Explanation
- Ways to pay your premium - See brochure above.
- Kaiser Foundation Introduction - Overview
- Fact Sheet Medicare Part D CA Health Care Advocates Hi Cap
. Prescription Drugs Hi Cap
- Medicare Part D: An Overview – 10-31-23
- Prescription Drug Resources – 11-07-22
- When Your Part D Prescription is Denied– 11-22-22
- Medicare Rx Benefit Manual Rev 1.2016 83 pages
- Resources: Medicare Drug Coverage (Part D) Mini-Course & Podcast Series CMS
- Network Pharmacies, Formularies & Common Coverage Rules # 11136
- Insulin Maximum Co Pay $35
- Graphic on Part D Premium Increases & Why?
- Maximus Appeals LEP Late Enrollment Penalty
- Shop & Compare Tools Part D Rx
- Get Instant Quotes, Information & Enroll online
- MANDATED wording!: ‘‘We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1–800–MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.’’ § 422.2267(e)(41).
- We disagree with the above wording, as we can use the same tools on as they do!
Resources & Links
- CMS.Gov Appeals Overview
- Set up account and do appeal online
- What is and how to prove you had Creditable Coverage
- Social Service agencies that might be able to help you
- Ways you might avoid or NOT be subject to Late Enrollment Penalty
- Do you qualify for LIS Low Income Subsidy?
- Just use Rx discount plans?
- Do you qualify for Medi Cal, Medicaid, SSI or SSDI?
- Aged & Disabled Program?
- Medicare Advantage Plans include Part D – Did you have credible coverage there?
- Identity theft victim?
- Our webpage on fraud & scams
- High Income surcharges for Part B Outpatient & Part D Rx
- Wikipedia on Part D Rx
- National Council on Aging
- 2005 notice of when Part D would be available
- Explanation on Medicare’s Website
- Part D Late Enrollment Penalty Reconsideration Request Form Appeals-and-Grievances/
- Part D Rx 42 USC §1395 Late Enrollment Penalty on Cornell Law Website
- G-d, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference. Serenity_Prayer
Click to visit Medicare’s Website on Part D Appeals

#Creditable Coverage
CHAPTER 4 Creditable Coverage Period
Determinations and the Late Enrollment Penalty
- Creditable Coverage is Prescription drug coverage (for example, from an employer or union) that’s expected to pay, on average, at least as much as Medicare’s standard prescription drug coverage. People who have this kind of coverage when they become eligible for Medicare can generally keep that coverage without paying a penalty, if they decide to enroll in Medicare prescription drug coverage later Publication 11109
Dental For #Everyone,
has an excellent website with full brochures, Instant online quoting and enrollment
- One of our colleagues on how Dental for Everyone Works.
- Some of our webpages on dental
- VSP Vision
I was told from Social Security back in March 2018 that all I needed was part A Hospital & B Doctor Visits when I no longer have coverage though work.
They did ask me what prescriptions I was taking & I was not taking any so they said all I needed was part A&B.
Now I am being told that I will have to pay a penalty because I did not have plan D.
I would have gotten part D back then if they told me, but again all they said I needed was part A&B
What is the right way to appeal this matter?
Hearsay and what someone was told, are things that scare me very much. I do not listen to it. I do not accept it. I’m afraid! Here’s our webpage on the dangers of hearsay. This is why, I follow up my phone conversations with an email giving links to the full details of what we spoke about. This is why, I don’t take phone calls, unless I’m told in advance, what the questions will be, so that I can look up and get an authoritative answer.
Here’s the form to file an appeal, including where to mail it to. Getting wrong information from a Government Agency is not on the form.
Check our research here about someone that went to Social Security, got all signed up on the very last day and then Social Security lost the paperwork.