IRA publication 590

IRA (Individual Retirement Account)
Social Security just isn’t enough!

IRA Introduction

IRS Contributions – Tax Deductible


Retirement Calculators – IRS Publications 

Payroll Deduction & Roth IRA 

Payroll #Deduction IRA

Payroll Deduction IRA for Small Biz # 4587

Payroll Deduction IRA

A payroll deduction individual retirement account (IRA) is an easy way for businesses to give employees an opportunity to save for retirement. The employer sets up the payroll deduction IRA program with a bank, insurance company, or other financial institution, and then the employees choose whether to participate. Employees decide how much they want deducted from their paychecks and deposited into the IRA. They may also have a choice of investments, depending on the IRA provider.

Many people not covered by an employer retirement plan could save through an IRA, but don’t. A payroll deduction IRA at work can simplify the process and encourage employees to get started.

Under Federal law, See Publication 590 A individuals saving in a traditional IRA may be able to receive some tax advantages on the money they contribute, and the earnings on the contributions are tax-deferred. For individuals saving in a Roth IRA, contributions are after-tax and the earnings are tax-free.

Advantages of a payroll deduction IRA:

  • Simple for employees to set up an IRA.
  • Employees make all of the contributions. There are no employer contributions.
  • Many employees find smaller, regular contributions a more manageable way to save.
  • Low administrative costs.
  • No filings with the government to establish the program or any annual reports.  
  • No minimum number of employees required.
  • Program will not be considered an employer retirement plan subject to Federal reporting and fiduciary responsibility requirements as long as the employer keeps its involvement to a minimum.
  • May help attract and retain quality employees.
  • Learn more - read Payroll Deduction IRA for Small Biz # 4587

Links & Resources

Collecting Your Pension – Retirement – IRA 

Business #Retirement Plans # 3998 Rev 11/2023 


Business Retirement Plans # 3998

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