Social Security’s Retirement
Benefits, take at age 62? 70?, statements?, 

Introduction to Social Security Retirement & Family Benefits
along with ways to get even more at retirement


When you take your  Social Security benefits, they will be paid out as long as you live including cost of living increases.  Social Security &  Medicare, with it's preventative benefits provide a base on which to you can build a financially secure retirement. Savings and Employer and Individual Retirement Plans - pensions add on to your Social Security, as Social Security was never meant that it would be enough to enjoy retirement.

Social Security is an  “entitlement” program Merriam-Webster *.  This means that since you and your employer paid Social Security taxes. You qualify for these benefits based on your work history (or your spouse or parent).  The amount you get  is based on these earnings. Fact Sheet *    

Social Security #Retirementa Benefits
Publication # 10035

Social Security Retirement Benefits # 10035

 Links & Resources

Social Security’s Website

Our Webpages on Retirement

Social Security’s Planning Tools

Save for your Future .org

What’s the #optimum age 62 -70 to start taking
your Social Security Retirement Benefits?



Links & Resources

Health Insurance unfortunately is very complicated

President Trump February 27, 2017

#Time Line Retirement Planning

Social Security Time Line Retirement Planning

Department of Labor, Social Security & Medicare  – Retirement Toolkit 9 pages 

What happens to your Social Security Retirement Check, if you are still #working?

Special Earnings Limit Rule

There’s a limit on how much you can earn and still receive your full Social Security retirement benefits while working. Some people who file for benefits mid-year have already earned more than their yearly earnings limit amount. Social Security has  a special rule for this situation.  The special rule lets us pay a full Social Security check for any whole month they consider you retired, regardless of your yearly earnings. If you will:

  • Be under full retirement age for all of 2022, you are considered retired in any month that your earnings are $1,630 or less and you did not perform substantial services in self-employment.
  • Reach full retirement age in 2022, you are considered retired in any month that your earnings are $4,330 or less and you did not perform substantial services in self-employment. SSA.Gov

Links & Resources

Business #Retirement Plans # 3998 Rev 11/2023 


Business Retirement Plans # 3998

#Medicare10050 and You  2025
Everything you want to know 

Steve's video on Medicare & You


your medicare benefits # 101116


Social Security #Survivors – Wife and Children
Death & Retirement Benefit Visit Social Security.Gov


Social Security survivors wife & children Dealth benefit provides a lump-sum death payment of $255. If you leave a wife and young children Social Security provides monthly payments roughly equal  to a $354,000 life insurance policy.  Get quotes for more protection

Social Securities survivors benefits can be paid to:

  • widow/widower — full benefits at full retirement age (currently age 65), or reduced benefits as early as age 60.
  • A disabled widow/widower — as early as age 50
  • A widow/widower at any age if he or she takes care of the deceased’s child who is under age 16 or disabled, and receiving Social Security benefits
  • Unmarried children under 18, or up to age 19 if they are attending high school full time. Sometimes benefits can be paid to stepchildren, grandchildren, or adopted children
  • Children at any age who were disabled before age 22 and remain disabled
  • Dependent parents at 62 or older  * Publication 10008 *
  • SSI & SSDI if disabled 

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Instant Quotes & Enrollment

Travel Insurance

Coverage for Travel - $50k Emergency under Medicare Medi Gap or MAPD Advantage may not be enough!

Medicare A & B if you don't #live in USA
Publication 11871

Medicare if you live outside usa



Medicare just visiting Out of County Publication # 11037

Medicare Coverage outside USA


*********Social Security*****

Payments if you are living outside of USA # 10137

Social Security outside of usa

  • What if you work in two or more different Countries?
  • International Social Security agreements,  “Totalization agreements,”  have two main purposes.
    • First, they eliminate dual Social Security taxation, the situation that occurs when a worker from one country works in another country and is required to pay Social Security taxes to both countries on the same earnings.
    • Second, the agreements help fill gaps in benefit protection for workers who have divided their careers between the United States and another country.
    • Payments Abroad Screening Tool
  • Learn More

Our Webpages on:

Buy Travel & International Insurance – Geo Blue – Insubuy

My #CPA ’s Newsletter on Retirement


Not me – regardless of how one defines the word. This is a topic you cannot wait to focus on until you reach a late age. You have to plan for a long time.

There are four major concepts that override the issue of retiring. You may know these to some extent, but it’s important to refocus on these:

  1. The earlier you start putting away for your retirement and the more you contribute the better. That will give you the best flexibility when you get older.
  1. Here is something you know – people are living longer and are healthier for longer periods of time. Whatever you think is “sufficient” savings,  think more.
  1. Because people are living longer and healthier lives, they are working longer. When I was young everything focused on the age of 65 when one retires. That is when Medicare and Social Security kicked in. People now think 65 is nothing and many people I know are working way past that age.  My favorite writer said he was hanging it up when he was 87 years old. Broke my heart. He still writes a column occasionally.  Like him others may be working a little less hard and taking more vacations.  But if you can, there is good reason to continue working.  As a professional, most of the people I know are more skilled and knowledgeable than they were 10-15 years ago. They are wiser and more experienced. They have irreplaceable skills. Many may want to keep busy and stretch out their retirement savings. Remember what happened to Bear Bryant, the famous Alabama football coach? They finally got him to retire and he was dead six months later. The bottom line is the longer you can postpone tapping your retirement assets, the better.
  1. Investment advisors focus on creating lots of savings. When thinking of  retirement, you must likewise think of outflows. Most people think of not  having a house payment as crucial. It may not make sense in some instances to pay off your house when you have a 3.5% loan, but you are earning 6% on your retirement investments. Minimizing other outflows are very important.

Delineating your income can be pretty easy. You have your social security and if you have a spouse theirs also. But then you must net that against what you must pay for your Medicare costs. Your outflows for Medicare B, D and your supplemental can add up and cut into your social security proceeds.

Next, there are the earnings from your pensions. Since most people outside of government are on defined contribution plans (401K, IRA, etc.), you must determine how much you can draw out every year and not run out of money.

That will begin to outline on what you have available for paying for your needs. It is of utmost importance that you analyze what you are going to give up of your current lifestyle and what you want to do when you retire. How often do you hear someone say when they retire they are going to do all that travelling they put off while they were working? Traveling costs lots of money even if you go on the cheap. A suggestion from a very experienced traveler — don’t wait until you retire to travel if that is what you want to do. The sooner you begin traveling the better. You will also learn more about what your reality is for travel during retirement.

Then there are the things you love to do. Baseball, theater, football, Hollywood Bowl concerts, basketball. These things cost a lot and may not fit into your budget if you have no revenue coming in from work. And there are always the big-ticket items such as helping your children or paying for your grandchildren’s private schooling. One person told us when we asked the name of the school his grandchild was attending (and he was funding) – it’s called “Dear Grandparents.”

Here are the major concerns beyond what has already been mentioned above:

  1. Home expenses – You may have paid off your home loan, but there are still significant outlays. People understand they must pay their home insurance and property taxes. What most people don’t plan for is the constant repairs. It seems like we don’t go a month without having to fix something. That is not considering remodeling or simply updating. Those expenditures can add up and may be out of the question unless you have significant resources set aside.
  2. Medical expenses – Even if you have all the elements of Medicare coverage including a supplemental plan, you can run into significant out-of-pocket expenses. Then there are dental expenses which can pile up for some people especially as they get older.
  3. Long-Term Care – The one insurance I tell people they should get is Long-Term Care. Almost everyone will have extensive care expenses near the end of life. We are fortunate to have a plan wherein we made payments for 10 years and are now paid up. Those plans are no longer available. You need to plan for this insurance or you will need to have large sums of money in your retirement plan.
  4. Loss in Asset Value – Many people experience the anxiety of thinking they are running out of money even if they are not. It is common. I had a client with $15 million in municipal bonds who acted as if she was going to be on the street the next day.

There will always be market fluctuations. It is easier to be patient with a downturn if you are still producing income. When the value of your retirement assets drop 15% because of a normal downturn in the market and you are retired — hysteria may set in.

If you figure you are going to have that happen twice during a retirement period of 20 years and plan for it early on, the anxiety is likely to be less. Most people think their portfolio is going to always be going up and that is not how markets work.

People often do not have a choice about retiring. They may work at a company or firm that has mandatory retirement even though that is less common today. Or there may be a medical condition causing retirement.

My suggestion is that you sit down and make two lists. One of what you believe your inflows are going to be (pensions, social security, rental income, etc.) and your outflows (realistic monthly expenses). Then take those to a professional who can analyze what you have included. The earlier you do this the better. If you are thinking of retiring in two years you may get an eye opening experience and decide to work two additional years. To pay a professional to analyze this instead of flying blind may be a money well spent.

You can then focus on what you are going to do when you are not working. A friend told me he has had friends retiring recently and everyone ninety days in says to him “I don’t know why I retired; I am bored to death.” That is another discussion entirely.

Please contact me Steve [email protected]  or Bruce Bialosky with any questions you have about this or other matters.

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