Special Needs Trust Brochure

Special Needs Trust for Disabled Adults – Heirs
in California 

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A Special Needs Trust (SNT)

A Special Needs Trust (SNT), sometimes called a Supplemental Needs Trust, is a legal arrangement in which a person or organization (like a bank) manages assets for a person with a disability. The person with the disability is called the “beneficiary” and the person who is managing the assets is the “trustee.” Many kinds of assets can be put into a trust, such as cash, stocks, bonds, and real estate. An SNT provides for the needs of a person with a disability without losing or reducing their benefits such as

Assets in an SNT won’t be counted toward the SSI, Medi-Cal and IHSS asset limit of $2000 for an individual.

Links & References

What Parents Need to Know about #Special Needs Trusts

you tube videos


Trans America
Special Needs Trust Brochure

Special Needs Trust Brochure

#Nolo Special Needs Trusts

Nolo Special Needs Trust


  • FAQ's
  • When does the trust actually get funded, go into place, become effective?
    • See page 47 of Nolo's book on Special Needs Trusts - The best known way is to specify what assets go into the trust at your demise. Be careful of probate, page 48. See Revocable Living Trusts on Page 50. Where a living trust can fund a Special Needs trust at your passing. See page 140 about actually creating the Special Needs Trust
      • See chapter 2 for what payments and benefits the child can get

Contact Us 

SSI #Resources & Income Limits


The Aged & Disabled  Medi-Cal program uses SSI countable income rules  as well as a few extra rules you should know. For more information, visit our webpages on the  SSI & Medi Cal programs, and follow the various links on this page


The asset limit in the Medi-Cal programs serving older adults and people with disabilities has been eliminated!  CA Health Care Advocates DHCS  *

  1. Have less than $2,000 in Countable assets for an individual ($3,000 for a couple).
    1. Medi-Cal property limitations.
    2.  asset questionnaire
    3. CANHR simpler list
    4. CANHR Fact Sheet
    5. Understanding Medi-Cal’s Asset Test for Seniors and People With Disabilities
    6. Western Poverty Law 
    7. Nolo - SSI Income & Asset Limits
    8. Income SSA.Gov
      1. SSA Site
    9. Will my settlement affect my government benefits?  VIDEO
    10. dhcs.ca.gov/Asset-Limit-Changes-for-Non-MAGI-Medi-Cal
      1. dhcs.ca.gov/asset test amendment
      2. dhcs.ca.gov/Asset-Limits-Report
    11. california healthline.org/sset-test-elimination
    12. FAQ's
    13. Our webpage on SSI Resources & Income
  2. Have less than $1,271 - 123% of FPL  in countable monthly income for an individual ($1,719 for a couple). ca health advocates.org ADFPL    *  AB 715 Fact Sheet * Western Poverty Law  * 
    1. Share of Cost if income is too high, but you qualify on asset test?

#Attorney  's that can help you through the Social Security Disability maze

#My Medi-Cal 
How to get the Health Care
You Need

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My medi cal explanation of medi cal


Get much more detail on Medi Cal

5 comments on “Special Needs Trust

  1. I have an Adult child that seems to be “losing it” and can’t really manage their money.

    Would a Special Needs Trust be appropriate?

    • No,

      I’m not a CPA, but here’s authoritative sites that say the income in a trust gets taxed.

      After money is placed into the trust, the interest it accumulates is taxable as income—either to the beneficiary or the trust. The trust is required to pay taxes on any interest income it holds and doesn’t distribute past year-end. Interest income the trust distributes is taxable to the beneficiary who gets it. Campbell Law


      See the Nolo book for more detail, like the tax rates

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