ahip guide to disability

Short Term Private Individual & Small Business
Disability Income Protection

Introduction Private Income Protection 

A Disability Insurance Policy  can provide you with up to 1/2 of your regular paycheck or business earnings (Schedule CSection 106) .  Social Security Disability, SDI for Biz Owners nd SDI for employees  might not be enough or work for you.  Having coverage is very important as  1/2 of all bankruptcies involve medical issues

Coverage up to 50% of earnings should come close to being equal to your current income, as you don’t have the expenses of going to work and lower taxes. One in Four of today’s 20 year olds will become disabled before age 67 and the length of time one is disabled is getting longer too. Standard Flyer *

The benefits are usually Income Tax free and of course, the Insurance Company wants to encourage you to go back to work, so they don’t want you to make too much by not working.

Group and Employer Disability Paycheck Protection

Reasons to get Disability Coverage for your employees:

  • Around 90 percent of all workers consider their ability to earn an income as their most  important financial resource.
  • Increased benefit choices can increase employee loyalty to the employer.
  • Around 75 percent of employees consider benefits extremely important.
  • Around 80 percent of employees say benefits provide peace of mind.
  • Standard Business Overhead Protector – Expenses 
  • business overhead expense

How to prove loss and amount of Income at #Claim Time?

How disabled are you –  what  restrictions and limitations are preventing you from performing your regular occupation or gainful occupation so you can file the  “proof of claim” –  “proof of loss” for you  occupation and earnings.

The main reason that an insurer denies a claim for long-term disability or short-term disability benefits is because they don’t think there is enough  medical evidence that your really  unable to return to your job and do the  substantial and material duties of your occupation. mslawllp.com

Links & Resources

Disability Insurance FAQs



How do I show that I’m not able to do a sedentary job – computer work?

Disability Insurance FAQs


Factors in Evaluating 

Table of Contents


600. Who qualifies for disability determinations?
601. What is a “medically determinable” impairment?
602. Impairment Lasting or Expected to Last at Least 12 Months
603. Definition of Substantial Gainful Activity
604. Independent Determinations Under the Social Security Act
605. Does SSA make disability determinations on a disability-rating schedule?


606. Medical and Other Evidence as Basis for Decision of “Not Disabled”
607. Medical Evidence as Basis for Decision of “Disabled” -- Listing of Impairments


608. What if your condition does not meet or medically equal a listing?
609. Evaluation Considering Age, Education, and Work Experience
611. Does your employment condition affect a disability determination?


613. Are you considered disabled if you are receiving treatment for an impairment?
614. Evidence of Disability
615. Categories of Evidence
616. Consultative Examinations
  Compassionate Allowances program identifies claims where the applicant’s disease or condition clearly meets Social Security’s statutory standard for disability.


617. Importance of Substantial Gainful Activity
618. How does work at the substantial gainful activity level affect disability?
619. Definition of “Activity”
620. Significance of Earnings
621. How are your earnings as a self-employed person considered in determining substantial gainful activity?


622. When are continuing disability reviews conducted?
623. When does disability end?

Parents & Care Givers

Check out our webpage on getting your own private disability coverage, in addition to Social Security Disability or SDI State Disability Coverage





Disability Income Video's

home health care

 Private Disability Insurance
Links & Resources


5 comments on “Disability Income – Pay Check Protection

  1. 1. If you lost your paycheck today, how many months would you be able to pay your bills?
    2. If you were too ill or injured to work, how would you pay for the increased medical expenses (medical insurance, co-pays, deductibles, etc)?
    3. Do you know if your job provides disability income benefits? Do you qualify?





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