Western Poverty Law - MAGI Medi-Cal Programs

Medi-Cal Aged &  Disabled Federal Poverty Level
(A&D FPL) Program

Aged, Blind & Disabled Medi-Cal Program

The Aged and/or  Disabled Federal Poverty Level Program (Income Chart) (A&D FPL) serves individuals aged 65 and older, and persons with disabilities. The program makes


Full-Scope Medi–Cal Health Benefits

Resources & Links





#Understanding Medicare Advantage Plans (PDF) #12026

Watch Steve's Video Seminar

Medicare booklet on understanding mapd Medicare advantage plans


  • MAPD Plans look like a great deal, as the "premium" is paid by fee from the Federal Government, on average $2k/year.Kff *  MAPD Plans must cover all A & B services Medicare.Gov * generally they also cover Part D Rx.
  • That's why the premium is very low or ZERO!



My tax person informed me that claiming my 81 year old father-in-law as a dependent on my taxes would not affect his eligibility for A&D – Aged & Disabled FPL Full Scope – Federal Poverty Level Medical-cal. Is this true?

Similar situation in regards to claiming my mother. She receives SSI/SSDI and receives medical Medi-Cal . Would claiming her as a dependent affect her eligibility for medi-cal


See Chapter 3 – Western Poverty Law Center on Health Insurance for Low Income.   See also Social Security’s website on SSI

Does your Mom get SSI or SSDI, it makes a difference. SSI is dealt with here.   See also Social Security’s website on SSI  for income & resource information.


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SSDI gives one Medicare after two years.

We don’t get paid to help people with Medi-Cal, SSI or SSDI. When you read the manual, be sure to read it 3x and when you think you understand it, read it again. We’ve only skimmed the material


I am 70 years of age and have been on medi cal due to low income. I recently applied for my ex husbands social security and my income increased to $1,379.10. Can I still qualify for medi cal?

***Sorry, it looks like you are now over the income limit.  See excerpt below.   Losing Medi-Cal would give you a Special Enrollment Period into a Medicare Advantage Plan where there are generally no premiums and very little co-pays that we can help you with.  You might also qualify for low income subsidies for your prescriptions.



What if one qualified for Medi-Cal because of a disability, but wants to opt out and get subsidies in Covered CA or just pay full price during Open Enrollment?

Excerpt of email…

[Covered CA] was advised that since member has disability even if he doesn’t want to be on Medi-cal, he will still be referred to them. … Medi-cal caters for people with disability.  The member should ask Medi-cal for possibility of releasing him, unfortunately, it’s not under our control .

Maybe shouldn’t argue with Medi-Cal to say not disabled – could hurt Medicare and Social Security Disability Claim

#My Medi-Cal 
How to get the Health Care
You Need

24 pages

Smart Phones - try turning sideways to view pdf better
My medi cal explanation of medi cal


Get much more detail on Medi Cal

Have Medi Cal pay Medicare Part B $185 Premium #Costs # 10126  

Medi CalPart B Outpatient Premium Forgiveness

msp get help with medicare costs

21 comments on “Aged and Disabled Federal Poverty Level Program

  1. On our Part B Premium Forgiveness Page, do you know what level you qualify at??

    When do you turn 65?

    Did you want to check out Medicare Advantage Plans?
    Please complete the intake form, so we have what we need to help you.

    Do you have a share of cost?

    What Rx Prescriptions do you take?

    Are you collecting Social Security?

    What qualifies you for Medi Cal?

    What Zip Code – County are you in?

    Interested in a Medi Gap vs Medicare Advantage Plan?

    See our video and official brochure for an introduction to Medicare

  2. Question

    My grandma earns 1096 through social security and then she ears $586 through her pension for a total of 1682.47

    They have calculated her net non exempt income at 1400.55 beginning 12/2017

    Minus her $600 maintenance need means she has a share of cost of $801 beginning 12/2017.

    The wierd thing is my grandma was approved for medi-cal and IHSS last year with the same income.

    I’m thinking somehow the non exempt income might have been calculated differently.

    Can you please help me figure out how they determine non exempt income?

    I looked at the link above https://ca.db101.org/ca/programs/health_coverage/medi_cal/program2a.htm but it didn’t help me.

    My grandma cannot pay for any share of cost. Her rent alone is over $800 per month not counting any bills etc.

  3. The A&D FPL program is connected to income.

    Do you perhaps know of another program that may help my wife Linda, who is incapactated due to a brain tumor and that does not have us ratcheting up insurance premiums every year to cover the share of cost?

  4. We suppose to call to renew mom’s financial aid 1 week before March 29.

    With all this corona virus thing… we totally forgot.

    What do we do

  5. I have been approved for full Medi-Cal services under the Aged & Disabled Federal Poverty Level Program ,

    Can I safely discontinue a policy for a supplemental insurance that covered the 20% that medicare didn’t cover.

  6. I’m 78, never worked, not disabled. I have a reverse mortgage with my sister whom I live with and we file taxes together. Our income is too low for Covered CA. What can I do to get Insurance. Buying into Medicare is way too expensive, especially since I’d have to pay late enrollment penalties. What can I do?

  7. My 83 year father was forced to stop working due to his ailing health.

    As his daughter, I am extremely over whelmed right now trying to get my dad financial assistance, and, care. Nothing is coming to fruition and all of the agencies (non-profit) won’t return my calls or help, it’s very discouraging.

    My dad receives a modest sum of $1,48 from Social Security and has expenses of rent $964 & utilities $400. He has nothing left over for food/medication/other items or help and desperately needs it.

    He has over $3k in medical bills that are mounting. He goes to 4-6 appointments per month (including for his eye).

    He had cataract surgery on both eyes last year and the surgeon messed up the right eye, leaving him blind in the right eye. He had has gallbladder removed right before the Christmas holiday. It’s been one thing after another.

    We are out of money and yet, he cannot qualify for any assistance. I do not understand.

    I cannot find anyone who is willing to help us. He sits at home all day alone.

    Medicare is providing some nurse assistance 1 day per week but that too will end at the end of the month.

    I applied for Medi-Cal on November 1, 2017 but the application is pending a “shared” cost approval.

    It goes on and on. I do not know where to turn to for help.
    He is a Vet but trying to get those benefits could take months; and, too trying to find help has been too difficult.

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