What are my coverage choices MAPD – Medicare Advantage vs Original vs
Medi Gap for Medicare Coverage

What is a better fit, Medi Gap-Supplemental or Medicare Advantage?

Medicare #Choices - from Medicare & You 10050

The below graphic is  from Medicare & You 10050  See more detail thereMedicare Options A B C MAPD D Rx vs Original Medicare


Medi Gap, Original Medicare & Part C Medicare Advantage 


It’s often confusing, especially for someone new to Medicare, to understand the choices between picking a Medi Gap + Part D Rx plan or going to a Medicare Advantage plan, generally including prescriptions and often a zero premium.  Both options require that you first sign up for Medicare A Hospital and B Doctor Visits.  

Also confusing is the difference in pricing – premiums and subsidies between under 65 plans ACA/Obmacare and Medicare. So, depending on your income, some have much lower premiums with Medicare and other’s may pay more as they no longer have big subsidies under ACA Affordable Care Act. 

Steve’s Video on

Medi Gap – Original Medicare &  Medicare Advantage

Videos by Steve Shorr

Three main options:

Medi-Gap – Supplemental 

Basically pays the Part A Hospitalization Deductibles and 20% Doctor Visits that Medicare doesn’t pay.  Doesn’t include Prescriptions.  Plans F & G start around $150/mth.  Hi F with a $2k deductible for what the Insurance Company pays, NOT Medicare starts around $61/month.  ANY doctor, provider or hospital that takes Medicare!


Rx Prescription Drugs PDP

It’s practically mandatory coverage, as there is a penalty if you don’t buy it, imposed when you eventually do purchase Rx coverage.  Premiums start around $25/month.

Medicare Advantage – MAPD

Generally very low or no premium, HMO coverage, choose doctors & hospitals  from the Insurance Companies authorized list  and includes “PD” Prescription Drug coverage.  One must still obtain Part A Hospital and Part B $170 Premium from the FEDERAL Government Medicare.Gov before they can enroll in a Medicare Advantage plan.

What to think over?


Medigap coverage usually has a higher monthly premium, Get a Quote  but could result in lower out-of-pocket expenses than some Medicare Advantage plans. Medicare Advantage plans, on the other hand, generally cost less and cover more services, which can be the better option for your budget.


Medicare Advantage plans generally limit you to the doctors and facilities within the HMO or PPO, and may or may not cover any out-of-network care.   Traditional Medicare and Medigap policies cover you if you go to any doctor or facility that accepts Medicare.  If you require particular specialists or hospitals, check whether they are covered by the plan you select.


Medicare Advantage plans often only operate with a certain region – county. If you’re a snowbird living in more than one state throughout the year, traditional Medicare plus Medigap is probably a better choice than an Advantage plan. This may also be true if you travel frequently:  Medigap plans provide emergency coverage when traveling outside of the United States to $50k  and cover you in all 50 states;   Advantage plans generally do not, except for emergencies.   Read more: Investopedia

More Comparisons 

MAPD vs Medi Gap

More flexibility with your treatment options

With Original Medicare you don’t have to choose a Primary Care Physician (a requirement of some Medicare Advantage plans), so you don’t have a “gatekeeper” who has the final say on which providers you see. You can shop around for the care and treatment that you want. You can also choose to see any physician who accepts Medicare. On the other hand, MA plans are more restricted in terms of the provider networks they work with. Individuals in rural and isolated areas may have difficulty finding MA plans that work with their local healthcare services.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that if you choose an MA plan initially, and then try to switch to a Medigap policy after a year has gone by, you may not be able to. Signing up for a Medigap policy initially gives you some time to see how your health situation is developing. After a few years with no major medical problems, you may feel more comfortable switching to a Medicare Advantage plan.

People enrolled in Medicare Advantage plans are switching to Medicare fee-for-service at an alarming rate during their last year of life, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report  modern health care.com/dying-ma-customers-are-switching-traditional-medicare

Medigap policies can be easier to understand

Perhaps “easy” isn’t the best term, but with Medigap there are 10 types of policies that all pay for the same things–which makes comparing costs relatively simple. These 10 categories are used all over the country, so you can also make decisions about what your costs might be if you move. The same is not true of MA plans, which differ by state and often go by totally different names depending on where you live.

What are some of the disadvantages of choosing
Original Medicare combined with a Medigap policy (versus Medicare Advantage)?

More expensive

Medigap plans can be two to three times the cost of an MA plan.

More systems to keep track of

With Original Medicare, a Part D drug plan, and Medigap you have three cards to keep track of and two monthly bills to worry about. For those who feel that they are already burdened by too many monthly bills and pieces of paper, this just adds to the pile.

More decisions to make

Sometimes choices can be a burden. MA plans are supposed to navigate the system for you to contain costs and increase communication. Many people value having a Primary Care Physician (common with many MA plans) to take charge of some of the decisions and find the appropriate specialists.

To get drug coverage, you’ll need to choose a Part D plan

For some beneficiaries, trying to find the right Part D plan is about as fun as a root canal. An MA plan takes care of that for you by including drug coverage already. If you go with an MA plan, remember to make sure that whatever MA plan you choose will cover your existing prescriptions at an affordable price. my medicare matters.org

Bibliography – Medi gap vs MAPD
Links & Resources


MAPD  Medicare Advantage  –  Medi Gap  –  Original Medicare

#Understanding Medicare Advantage Plans (PDF) #12026

Watch Steve's Video Seminar

Insurance Companies get a average $2k  fee from the Federal Government, when you enroll in an MAPD plan. Kff *   MAPD Plans must cover all A & B services Medicare.Gov *

That's why the premium is very low or ZERO!


Introduction to #MediGap

2024 Choose Medi Gap Policy

Our video explaining the Governments brochure on choosing a Medi Gap Policy.  Click the little square on the right, to enlarge the video.

#Medicare10050 and You  2024
Everything you want to know 

Steve's video on Medicare & You


your medicare benefits # 101116



#MedicareRelated Pages

16 comments on “Original Medicare & Medi-Gap – Supplement vs Medicare Advantage MAPD

    • Click here to get quotes for Medi Gap.

      Here’s information on when you can get a Medi Gap plan guaranteed issue.

      How long have you had a MAPD plan? You might qualify under the trial period rule.

      Did you MAPD plan reduce benefits, co pays or have an increase in premium?

      You may have to complete an application with health history questions if you don’t qualify for guaranteed issue.

      Please send us a private email to [email protected] with your medical history and we can check and see what the likelihood of your being accepted might be.

      Was this a reason you’re unhappy?

      MA plans deny care traditional Medicare would cover, investigation finds

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