California #EDD Family Leave – Unemployment Benefits & Criteria
Does Unemployment count as Covered CA MAGI?
Get Health Insurance – Subsidies?

California Paid Family #Leave
(EDD Website)

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California Paid Family Leave 2 page brochure
CA Paid Family Leave

California’s EDD’s site that tells about family leave if you take time off to care for an ill family member. The page tells you just about everything you need to know. How to file a claim, check on the status and manage a claim, calculate your benefit.


Employee Handbook


  • Does the employer have to pay the employee’s health insurance while on FMLA Maternity Leave?
    • Basically yes.
    • Group health insurance benefits. If an employee has health insurance through an employer’s group health plan, they can continue their group health insurance coverage during FMLA leave on the same terms as if they had continued to work. For example:
    • QUESTION: Does our company have to pay for employees’ health coverage while they are on FMLA leave?
    • ANSWER: Your company does not have to pay your employees’ share of health coverage premiums while they are on FMLA leave. However, employers covered by the FMLA (generally, private-sector employers with 50 or more employees and public agencies and local educational agencies with any number of employees) must maintain coverage under any group health plan for the duration of an FMLA leave at the level and under the conditions that coverage would have been provided if the employee had been continuously employed for the duration of the leave. This means that, if your company is covered by the FMLA, it must pay the same share of the health coverage premiums for an employee on FMLA leave as it would have paid if the employee had not been on leave.
    • Family and Medical Leave Act Advisor Employer Recovery of Benefit Costs


EDD - CA Programs for Unemployed #DE2320

Los Angeles Times - Introductory Article on Unemployment  7.5.2022

edd unemployment


Employment Resources

Health Resources


See our webpage on how unemployment compensation  & Disability gets counted for MAGI Income under Covered CA subsidies, get quotesAppoint us as your agent.

More Information

Gig Workers


Another article  *  1  * 2 * Prisoner Fraud * Problems * What if $600 ends?  *  Freelancers *

Confusion between Net, Gross Income and MAGI Income. Nearly 1 million California’s will have to pay back unemployment benefits as they reported Net and not Gross Income.

Benefits were supposed to be based on their net income in 2019. But in all the confusion of an unprecedented program, many reported their gross income instead.

LA Times 12/20/2020

Covered CA subsidies are based on Adjusted Gross Income + Social Security.

Like President Trump said, Insurance is very complicated. VIDEO


unemployment benefits fraud in California could total $2 billion,

Is this the biggest heist in history, at least in California? Well, that’s what the Sacramento County district attorney said




People who have lost work have options.

As businesses close down and the economy rapidly contracts, millions of people are losing their jobs or seeing their hours get slashed. If you’ve lost your job or had your hours reduced, here are some of your options.

​EDD California 2024 Employers Guide #DE44  Employement Development Department CA employers Guide DE 44edd california employer guide





New Federal Reporting Requirement for Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI)

  • Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting Suspended  Smart Tax Fin 
  • Effective January 1, 2024, many companies in the United States must report information about their beneficial owners—the individuals who ultimately own or control the company—to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
  • In 2021, Congress enacted the bipartisan Corporate Transparency Act to curb illicit finance. This law requires many companies doing business in the United States to report information about who ultimately owns or controls them.
  • Your company may need to report information about its beneficial owners if it is:
    • 1. a corporation, a limited liability company (LLC), or was otherwise created in the United States by filing a document with a secretary of state or any similar office under the law of a state or Indian tribe; or
    • 2. a foreign company and was registered to do business in any U.S. state or Indian tribe by such a filing.
  • FinCEN’s Small Entity Compliance Guide includes checklists for each of the 23 exemptions that may help determine whether your company qualifies for an exemption.
  • My CPA's Opinion - this is OVERKILL


All our plans are Guaranteed Issue with No Pre X Clause
Quote & Subsidy #Calculation
There is No charge for our complementary services

Guaranteed Issue - No Pre X Clause - Quote & Subsidy Calculation - No charge for our complementary services - If not in CA click here for Nationwide Quotes

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that explains everything about getting a quote

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The American Rescue Plan ARPA extends expanded unemployment benefits with a supplemental weekly payment of $300 through September 6, 2021. These supplemental UIB payments are counted as income for determining eligibility for Covered California programs but are not counted as income for determining eligibility for Medi-Cal programs (including both MAGI and non-MAGI programs). Covered CA  CARES Act webpage. * ARPA Broker FAQ *

For 2020 if your adjusted gross income is less than $150,000, up to $10,200 of unemployment compensation is excluded from gross income. IRS Publication 525 *

Income vs Expense Deductions – how it might mess you up for subsidies – visit Insure Me to learn more.

Federal Unemployment ends Labor Day Weekend 2021 *  More detail and alternate plans like  Medi CalCovered CA subsidiesCal FreshFind a Job Los Angeles Times * 


IRS Taxable & Non Taxable –  Unemployment Benefits Publication 525

Unemployment Benefits

The tax treatment of unemployment benefits you receive depends on the type of program paying the benefits.


Unemployment compensation.

Generally, you must include in income all unemployment compensation you receive. You should receive a Form 1099-G showing in box 1 the total unemployment compensation paid to you. In most cases, you enter unemployment compensation on Schedule 1 (Form 1040), line 7.

Exclusion from income tax on a portion of unemployment compensation for 2020.

For individuals with adjusted gross income of less than $150,000, up to $10,200 of unemployment compensation is excluded from gross income. In the case of a joint return, up to $10,200 received by each spouse is excluded. (See P.L. 117–2 and section 85(c).)


Our Webpage on  if SDI State Disability Benefits are Taxable?

ARPA Covid #Stimulus1 March 2021
Silver 94 – ZERO Premium!


Dramatic Premium Increases for some Covered California Households in 2022

Federal Unemployment ends Labor Day Weekend 2021 *  More detail and alternate plans like  Medi Cal, Covered CA subsidies, Cal Fresh, Find a Job Los Angeles Times

If you received unemployment benefits anytime in 2021, we can help you get Silver 94 with ZERO premium. Be sure to report your unemployment  to us or Covered California.  Be Careful when answering Income Questions!!!  MAGI Income can get quite confusing and one little error can put you in Medi Cal, loss of subsidies, loss of coverage, who knows???

Covered CA  will redetermine your eligibility on June 21st, so be sure to update your income & unemployment benefits by then. If eligible, you will receive the same benefits as someone with 138.1% FPLEnhanced Silver 94 Blue Shield * Covered CA Income Chart * Covered CA Broker Seminar 4.20.2021 * Section 9661 Part 7 Premium Tax Credit

VIDEO explanation of how the ARPA Silver 94 will work

unemployment income

Increase Financial Help for Consumers Who Receive Unemployment Compensation During 2021

For households in which the primary tax filer or their spouse receives or is approved to receive unemployment insurance benefits (UIB) for one (1) or more week in 2021, the FPL for the purposes of eligibility determinations for APTC Advanced Premium Tax Credit – Subsidies and Cost-Sharing Reductions (CSR) Enhanced Silver would be locked at 138.1% FPL.  View FPL Income Chart

Effectively, that means that—for any tax household in which the primary tax filer or their spouse received UIB for 1 week or more during 2021—any household income above 138.1% of FPL is disregarded for the purposes of financial help eligibility calculations. The FPL lock will apply to the APTC & CSR determination for all members of the tax household that are not otherwise determined eligible for Medi-Cal or CHIP programs and meet all other APTC program requirements.  Covered CA FAQ for Brokers *

See Kaiser Foundation Calculation Results  Their calculator asks if you received unemployment, while ours nor Covered CA does so yet. 

Watch Covered CA ARPA Announcement  VIDEO

Links & Resources  

Covered CA FAQ’s

Los Angeles Times Dear Liz FAQ 

Get Quotes

Kaiser #Foundation Calculation

For some reason, they show and ask about Unemployment while Covered CA nor our Quote Engine do, yet.

Kaiser Foundation unemployment ARPA

Unemployment Benefits under CARES Act –
#Stimulus Package


The bill makes unemployment pay 100 percent of what people would earn on the job and, in some circumstances, they can get more money for not returning to work when the economy is back up.  Quirk in law would allow some employees to earn more $$$ for working less – read more in the LA Times.

Consider $600 a week is the pay before taxes for an employee who works 40 hours a week at $15 an hour, or 30 hours a week at $20 an hour. So not working will pay that person the $600 federal benefit on top of the regular benefit that CA provides.  So it is $600 a week if you work, and $900 a week if you do not. For the minimum wage person who makes $400 a week, the effect is more extreme. The unemployment program will pay more than twice as much as working. Benefits do max out at different levels in different states but, in most, even an employee who makes $800 a week can make about $200 more on this unemployment than working. * The Hill *

Under the CARES Act, employees may delay going back to work, businesses could feel more comfortable laying off people, and workers may be incentivized to quit their jobs or volunteer to be laid off

Unemployment benefits also aren’t subject to Social Security and Medicare taxes (7.65% total) and in many states aren’t subject to state and local tax — meaning unemployment pay is arguably worth more than typical wages, * CNBCNational Employment Law Project * Los Angeles Times 4.9.2020 *

So, it looks like to get the Federal Benefits, you can just apply through the State of CA.

Under the new CARES Act responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, all states will be allowed to provide up to 13 additional weeks of federally funded extended benefits to people who exhaust their regular state benefits.

Under the Act, through the end of this year, people who exhaust both regular and extended benefits, and many others who have lost their jobs for reasons arising from the pandemic but who are not normally eligible for UI in their state, are eligible for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. People can receive a maximum of 39 weeks of benefits this year from all three sources combined.

Program ends July 31, 2020, LA Times on if it will be extended.


See FAQ about if you can get the extra $600 if you are on SDI 


Collect unemployment if you have to take care of Adult Children?

the claimants childcare responsibilities must be of a compelling nature. In determining the nature of the childcare duties, EDD considers the age of the children requiring care.

More research

If you quit your job because you have no other options for childcare, we are required by law to determine if you have “good cause” for quitting because generally you must be able and available to work.

Unemployment Insurance – Guide to Benefits and Employment Services


California #EDD Unemployment Benefits & Criteria 

Benefits #Corona Virus


The federal government will pay the full salaries of furloughed workers who make average wages for up to four months under an emerging stimulus deal  The HIll –  Click this link to Learn More 

If you can’t work because of the quarantine, not that you are ill or that you are, check out the official EDD Webpage.

Reduced Work Hours

If your employer has reduced your hours or shut down operations due to COVID-19, you can file an Unemployment Insurance (UI) claim. UI provides partial wage replacement benefit payments to workers who lose their job or have their hours reduced, through no fault of their own. Workers who are temporarily unemployed due to COVID-19 and expected to return to work with their employer within a few weeks are not required to actively seek work each week. However, they must remain able and available and ready to work during their unemployment for each week of benefits claimed and meet all other eligibility criteria. Eligible individuals can receive benefits that range from $40-$450 per week.

The California  Governor’s Executive Order waives the one-week unpaid waiting period, so you can collect UI benefits for the first week you are out of work. If you are eligible, the EDD processes and issues payments within a few weeks of receiving a claim. EDD Coronavirus *

LA Times on how to file 

3.8 Million filed last week, 30 million total COVID 19

Technical Website PROBLEMS  Issues – sounds like Health Care . Gov and Covered CA websites 

Problems for 1099 & Gig workers if they have W – 2 employee income  LA Times

CA will start sending $900 retroactive for the $300/week after the $600/week ended to those unemployed due to COVID  9.7.2020

EDD on Cares Act


on EDD Website 

#SNAFU - Situation Normal - All Fouled Up

I learned the word SNAFU  Situation Normal, All Fouled Up  in the dorm, when I attended San Diego State in the early 70's and earned a degree in Insurance.  In all that time, I've never been able to use the word in a sentence, until last 10.1.2013, when Covered, Health Care.Gov nor the Insurance Company Websites or my own Quote Engine that I pay around $250/month for were supposed to launch, but did not do it properly.

All our plans are Guaranteed Issue with No Pre X Clause
Quote & Subsidy #Calculation
There is No charge for our complementary services

Guaranteed Issue - No Pre X Clause - Quote & Subsidy Calculation - No charge for our complementary services - If not in CA click here for Nationwide Quotes

Watch our 10 minute VIDEO
that explains everything about getting a quote

Full detailed explanation of how to use our quote engine video

13 comments on “Unemployment Compensation – Can’t find job – Corona Pandemic – Family Leave- Free Silver 94

  1. If we pay the full premium now, once the unemployment benefit kicks in, in July will it [the tax credits – Zero Premium] be retroactive?

  2. My employer says I voluntarily quit my job. I say the job changed, with lower pay, more work and worse working conditions.

    Can I collect unemployment?

    Get the ARPA Stimulus COBRA Premium Subsidy?

    • CA EDD Unemployment shows

      Requirements to File a Claim

      When filing for UI benefits, you must have earned enough wages during the base period to establish a claim, and be:

      Totally or partially unemployed.
      Unemployed through no fault of your own.
      Physically able to work.
      Available for work.
      Ready and willing to accept work immediately.

      What Happens If You Quit or Get Fired

      The EDD will schedule a phone interview to discuss your claim and circumstances. If you quit, you must prove good cause for quitting. and that you made all reasonable attempts to keep your job (such as requested a leave of absence or transfer).

      Note: Good cause can include unsafe working conditions, a medical doctor’s advice, or protecting yourself or your child from domestic violence. If you are fired, your employer must prove there was misconduct. Either party can disagree with the decision and file an appeal. EDD FAQ * EDD Eligibility *

      The elements of a voluntary quit are,
      (1) leaving,
      (2) most recent work,
      (3) voluntarily, and
      (4) without good cause. Visit EDD Website – for details

      three part test to determine the presence of “good cause”

      (1) Is the reason for leaving “real, substantial, and compelling”?
      (2) Would that reason cause a “reasonable person,” genuinely desirous of working, to leave work under the same circumstances?
      (3) Did the claimant fail to attempt to preserve the employment relationship, thereby negating any “good cause” he/she might have had in leaving? Read More EDD Voluntary Quit

  3. I may be filing for unemployment (CA). Am currently receiving Medi-Cal. I cannot earn more than $1945 monthly $23,792 annual? Income Chart in order to qualify for MediCal.

    My concern is that EDD will take the highest earnings during the claim period and base my claim amount on that. Which is an issue, since there was one brief period last December when my monthly wages were slightly more than $1945, but soon readjusted to a consistent under-the-limit amount. I squared that with MediCal and I remained covered.

    But since being furloughed from my part time last Friday (due to my department closing amidst COVID-19), I was encouraged to file for UI.

    However, I am concerned that receiving that ‘artificially high’ claim amount would disqualify me from MediCal coverage. Something that I just cannot risk during these challenging times.

    Thanks for any info you can impart.

    • I’m a taxpayer and I resent the government making incentives for people to not work to their potential!

      Why do I have to work extra hours, forgo vacations, etc. to allow others to not work to their potential?

      The Federal Government under the CARES act, may cover 100% of your lost income.

      If you do earn too much for Medi-Cal, there is Covered CA subsidies and cost sharing reductions, so that you would pay very little premium to get say a Silver 94 or 87 plan. Get quotes and benefits illustrations here.

      At least with Covered CA I make barely minimum wage to help people enroll and service their business. Medi Cal pays NOTHING!

      Here’s the fact sheet on how unemployment benefits are calculated Base Periods.

      It looks to me like everything gets averaged over the past year, not quarter. Please use EDD’s calculator and send me the results, if you want further help.

      I put in $2k/month just for an example. Here’s what it said.

      Based on your reported information, your highest quarterly earnings were


      Your estimated weekly benefit will be


      This amount is just an estimate. Once you file your claim, the EDD will verify your eligibility and wage information to determine your weekly benefit amount. The actual amount will be mailed to you. For more information on the UI Program, visit the UI home page.

      So, when EDD is only paying 1/2, I don’t think you’re likely to go over what you earned last year. See above about the Federal Government filling in to make it 100%.

      I could use someone to telemarket employer groups. Did you want to send a resume?

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