Blue Shield of CA Medicare – Medi-Gap – Supplement Plans

Medi Gap  plans allow you to go to ANY Doctor or Hospital that accepts Medicare 

Medi Gap Introduction 

Dental PPO Plan and #Dental + Vision brochure and enrollment application

speciality duo dental - vision


Blue Shield Supplement - Medi Gap

Blue Shield enrollment kit medi gap 1.1.2024


Introduction to #MediGap

2024 Choose Medi Gap Policy

Our video explaining the Governments brochure on choosing a Medi Gap Policy.  Click the little square on the right, to enlarge the video.

What is Medicare A Hospital & B Outpatient?

Medicare Part A
(#Hospital Insurance)

Medicare Part A Hospital coverage helps pay for care in hospitals as an inpatient,... skilled nursing facilities, hospice care, and some home health care (see publication # 10969) but not Long Term Care.  

Most people get Part A automatically when they turn age 65 at no charge, since they or a spouse paid Medicare taxes while they were working.  You need to sign up close to your 65th birthday, even if you will not be retired by that time. (If you are getting Social Security benefits when you turn 65, your Medicare Hospital Benefits - Part A - start automatically.) 

Here's a chart it's just a illustration and is NOT official  that shows what Medicare pays, the gaps in Medicare and what you may get when you add a Medi Gap Plan or Medicare Advantage to cover those gaps

.Steve's VIDEO Explanation Comparing what Medicare pays and what you get extra with MAPD or Medi Gap

Part A Coverage medicare - Medi Gap PLan G

Medi Gap A - N #Chart
From Blue Shield Enrollment Guide
Click link or image to enlarge

Plan A - N chart a - n chart

Evidence of Coverage – Resources & Links?

#Evidence of Coverage
Summary of Benefits 


2022 Open Plans

Plan A
Plan F Extra*
Plan G
Plan G Extra
Plan G Inspire
Plan N



Plan A, Jan. 2018 (PDF)
Plan F Extra, Oct. 2018  (PDF)
Plan G, Jan. 2018 (PDF)

Plan G Extra, Jan. 2020 (PDF)
Plan N, Jan. 2018 (PDF)

(Email us if the links require a password) 

Evidences of Coverage for 2010 Standardized Closed Plans (closed 9/30/2019)

Plan C, Jan. 2018 (PDF)
Plan D, Jan. 2018 (PDF)
Plan F, Jan. 2018  (PDF)
High Deductible Plan F, Jan. 2019 (PDF)
Plan K, Jan. 2019 (PDF)

Evidences of Coverage for Standardized and Pre-Standardized Closed Plans (closed prior to 5/31/2010)

Get complete descriptions of our closed Medicare Supplement plans.

Plan A (pre June 2010) (PDF)
Plan B (pre June 2010) (PDF)
Plan C (pre June 2010) (PDF)
Plan D (pre June 2010) (PDF)
Plan F (pre June 2010)  (PDF)
Plan G (pre June 2010)  (PDF)
Plan J (pre June 2010)  (PDF)
Plan K (pre June 2010)  (PDF)
Plan H Standard  (PDF)
Plan H Plus Rx  (PDF)
Plan I Standard (PDF)
Plan I Plus Rx (PDF)
Coronet Major Medicare (PDF)
Coronet Senior Standard  (PDF)
Coronet Senior Plus Rx  (PDF)
Golden Coronet Senior Standard  (PDF)
Golden Coronet Senior Plus Rx  (PDF)
Preferred Senior  (PDF)

Closed plan rate sheets 

2010 Standardized Closed Plans (closed 5/31/2010) (PDF)
1990 Standardized Closed Plans (closed 5/31/2010) (PDF)
1990 Standardized Closed Plans (closed 12/31/2005) (PDF)

Resources & Links

Member Services 1-800-248-2341

Blue Shield Medi Gap Forms



  • Question I think it’s fairly simple — if you want the most coverage, you get Part A, B, D  Rx + Medi Gap Plan G..   Am I correct?
    • Answer Depends what you mean by “most.” Part A covers hospital. Part B doctor visits.  Part D covers outpatient prescriptions, rx. Plan G pays the co pays and most deductibles in A & B.   See the comparison chart
    • Some would say “most” might be a Medicare Advantage plan, in that the premiums are usually zerp. One downside is the limited HMO doctor list Medicare Advantage MAPD may also cover vision and dental. Check our Medicare Advantage pages to learn more. Here’s our page on comparing Medi Gap vs MAPD.  Medi Gap though gives you MUCH more freedom of choice of doctors.
  • Question I’m thinking of getting Hi F, with the $2,240 deductible. How do I know if that’s the right plan for me?
    • Answer There is no FREE LUNCH when you buy Insurance. The Insurance Companies are in business to make a profit. Either way, the Insurance Company has calculated that they will pay out 80 cents on each dollar of premium they take in.
    • Check out the   rates   from the Blue Shield Medi Gap Brochure above, or get quotes here.
    • Does saving around $120/month or $1,400/year make it worth it to get back $2,200 if you have that many claims?
    • Why not get Long Term Care, where the stakes are higher and there is the potential for real loss and hardship. The difference between F and Hi F is $800. I don’t think that will bankrupt anyone.
  • Question What’s the #difference between attained age, issue age and community rating?
  • Answer
  • View Larger Image
  •  FAQs / Ask Us a Question





  • I’m having medically necessary treatment for varicose veins.
    • How much would Medicare pay?
    • How much would a Medi Gap plan pay?
  • First, we need to find out what the procedure costs, retail.
    • On the other hand, the simple answer is  see the chart above for Part A Hospital and Part B Medical Services
    • Then what Medicare allows.
    • What the billing codes are.
    • Is the procedure really medically necessary?
      • FYI Clinical Bulletin for Varicose Veins
        • Vein stripping and ligation takes about 60 to 90 minutes to perform and sometimes requires general anesthesia. Recovery time is also lengthy, usually involving two to four weeks depending on how many veins were stripped and where they were located.
        • Medical Necessity Varicose Veins
      • Medicare does cover the medical treatment of varicose veins that cause symptoms and have ultrasound characteristics of chronic venous insufficiency. cleveland
    • Costs
      • Vein stripping surgery costs between $1,500 and $3,000. This cost may not include additional fees charged by the hospital or surgical center, which can increase the cost exponentially.
      • Another varicose vein-removing surgery is called ambulatory phlebectomy. During this procedure, your doctor makes tiny cuts in the skin to remove small varicose veins; usually those that are closest to the surface. The in-office procedure is done with local anesthesia and is considered much less invasive than vein stripping and ligation.
    • A physician office visit and diagnostic ultrasound are needed to determine the medical necessity of vein treatments. Patients are encouraged to try non-medical treatment options such as exercise, weight-loss, and compression stockings (20-30mmHg) prior to medical vein procedures. As varicose vein symptoms become more severe, the likelihood that Medicare will cover the cost of treatment increases dramatically. vanish leg

Broker ONLY


Medicare Supplement Plan Changes for April 1, 2024


With current market evaluation, we have made the decision to discontinue Medicare Supplement Plan G Inspire effective 4/1/24.


Plan G Inspire has been in the market for 3 years and was only offered in select Northern CA counties.  Agents and members will find Medicare Supplement Plan G Extra to be the same benefits and equal or less cost, without the AAA Roadside Driver program.


To help you navigate this change, we sent out a Producer Alert, and attached are PDF documents for Plan G Inspire FAQ, Plan G Extra, and Medicare Supplement Plan Comparisons (G, G Extra, F Extra).  All marketing materials with Plan G Inspire will be updated by 4/1/24, including new enrollment, transfer, enrollment kits, marketing flyers, online references. It is highly recommended you read the FAQ and your Producer Alert link .


Current Plan G Inspire members will be notified October 1, 2024 and will be given a Special Enrollment Period to move to another supplement plan with no underwriting.


Plan G Extra is sold statewide and offers these same extra benefits as Plan G Inspire:

  • Over The Counter (OTC) through CVS
  • Vision
  • Acupuncture & Chiropractic
  • Teladoc
  • Hearing Aids
  • SilverSneakers
  • NurseHelp


Additionally, Plan G Extra offers our popular Welcome to Medicare rate savings of $25 for the first year, Auto-payment savings, Household Savings, and Dental discount. 

15 comments on “Blue Shield – Medi-Gap – Any Medicare Provider

  1. My husband turns 65 in June and I turn 65 in January of 2023.

    We are both currently covered under my husband’s work for health insurance.

    In January 2023 we would both like to be on Medicare with a good ppo policy.

    If my husband signs up in June I could lose coverage for 6 months.

    What can we do?

  2. I have Medi Gap Plan F Extra and Blue Shield Rx Plus for Part D

    I don’t know if I should keep what I have or if there are better options.

  3. I have Plan N and would like to get an Issue Age plan, rather than having the rates go up every year, based on attained age. Are those plans available in CA?

    • See our Plan A through N Chart above.

      The main difference in Extra or Innovative is the Hearing Aids, Vision, Teledoc, Over the Counter Medications and Help, I’ve fallend and I can’t get up. See the summary of benefits for more detail.

      Blue Shield and other companies all have a “Birthday Rule” where you can the same or lesser coverage around the time of your birthday.

      Extra and Innovative plans will be considered the same and not better.

      Why are Medi Gap companies offered more benefits?

      One reason is a new buzz word, Social Determinants of Health.

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