Annual Redetermination for Medical (sic) Medi-Cal
Form # MC 216 & 262
MAGI - Medi Cal Renewal Form - MC 216
You'll be getting the MAGI Medi Cal Renewal Form - MC 216 (ONLINE pdf) soon, say March 2023 Cal Matters * CMA * * , when the COVID Public Health Emergency ends. During COVID you couldn't be terminated, from Medi Cal Disability Rights * Footnotes * .
VIDEO Explanation Kaiser
The renewal is usually automatic and done through the Federal Hub. So, if you get the MC 216 form, that means Medi Cal couldn't automatically renew you. So you have to fill out the form or risk losing your coverage. Website
- If you're earning too much $$$ for Medi Cal, get Covered CA quotes with subsidies here.
- SB 260 automatic transfer to Covered CA - Bill Text * Covered CA Power Point *
- You can appoint us as your broker, no extra charge
- From Covered CA training - Click image to enlarge
- APS = Automatic Plan Overview
- APTC = Advance Premium Tax Credit = Subsidy
- Automatic Transfer to Covered CA does NOT include dental. You need to pick a dental plan
- SB 260 automatic transfer to Covered CA - Bill Text * Covered CA Power Point *
- KFF Kaiser Foundation estimates that between 5 million and 14 million people will lose Medicaid Medi Cal coverage once the PHE Public Health Emergency ends. KFF *
- If Thank Goodness you're earning more $$$ Get INSTANT, NO OBLIGATIION Covered CA QUOTES!
- Anthem Blue Cross Medi Cal Redetermination
- Go on your Employers Group Plan
- Our main webpage on redetermination
- If you lose Medi Cal as your income increased and you are now eligible for advanced premium tax credits (APTC). Get INSTANT, NO OBLIGATIION Covered CA QUOTES! We can help you, no additional charge
- The Importance of Properly Terminating MAGI Medi-Cal Insure Me
- Email us [email protected] for the SB 260 toolkit
- If you have questions, that are not answered on this page about KEEPING your Medi Cal and not going into Covered CA with subsides, we won't be able to help you...
- Please contact Medi Cal Directly
- DHCS Keep yourself and family covered
- Tool Kit
- DHCS is committed to maximizing continuity of coverage for Medi-Cal beneficiaries through the course of the Continuous Coverage Unwinding Period as the Department works with local county offices to resume normal eligibility operations. Unwinding *
- bet
- SCAN FAQ's if password is required, email us [email protected]
- VIDEO - How to do a renewal
- What is MAGI Income?
- What are the income limits for Medi Cal vs Covered CA?
- Who counts in the household?
What is Medi Cal looking for?
What do they want?
- Western Poverty Law Page 240 - 6.227
- LA Care
- Medi-Cal Contact Information
- Please read the instructions and materials on this page, very carefully. We are NOT authorized Medi Cal agents and do not get any compensation to help you with your Medi Cal questions.
- If you no longer qualify for Medi Cal, say you're now earning more than 138% of Federal Poverty Level, we can help you get coverage from Covered CA. There is no extra charge for our expertise & assistance! We are paid by whatever Insurance Company that you choose. Get INSTANT, NO OBLIGATIION QUOTES!
- Please read the instructions and materials on this page, very carefully. We are NOT authorized Medi Cal agents and do not get any compensation to help you with your Medi Cal questions.
- What is MAGI Modified Adjusted Gross Income?
- If you are on SSI - Medi Cal is automatic! Even when you change to SSDI Pickle Amendment
- More references & Links
- 10 Things to Know About the Unwinding of the Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Provision KFF
- Medicaid Enrollment Nears 100 Million, But Millions May Lose Access In April KFF
- Millions of people who enrolled in Medicaid during the COVID-19 pandemic could start to lose their coverage on April 1 if Congress passes the $1.7 trillion spending package leaders unveiled Tuesday.The legislation will sunset a requirement of the COVID-19 public health emergency that prohibited states from booting people off Medicaid. Learn More AP News *
- Medicaid Programs Scramble With Coverage for Millions at Risk
- Medi-Cal Renewal Broker Resource Toolkit Anthem
- Covered CA vs Medi Cal Monthly Income Kevin Knauss
- Transitions from Medi-Cal to get Covered CA
- 10 Things to Know About the Unwinding of the Medicaid Continuous Enrollment Provision KFF
- A paltry 3% of people got Affordable Care Act exchange coverage within a year after leaving Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program, a new study found, 2017 to 2019 Fierce Health Care *
- Click on Image to enlarge
- Understanding the Long-Term Implications of Medicaid Unwinding Read More Managed Health Care * It’s time to talk about the ramifications of pulling the rug out from the low-income and disabled individuals who rely on Medicaid’s basic healthcare services
Dental For #Everyone,
has an excellent website with full brochures, Instant online quoting and enrollment
- One of our colleagues on how Dental for Everyone Works.
- Some of our webpages on dental
- VSP Vision
All our plans are Guaranteed Issue with No Pre X Clause
Quote & Subsidy #Calculation
There is No charge for our complementary services
Watch our 10 minute VIDEO
that explains everything about getting a quote
- Our Quote Engine Takes all the complexity out of using pencil and paper to figure out the premiums per the Obamacare/ACA rules under CFR §1.36B-3 *
- Get more detail on the Individual & Family Carriers available in CA
#My Medi-Cal
How to get the Health Care
You Need
24 pages
Smart Phones - try turning sideways to view pdf better
- More explanation
- Enroll with Benefits Cal
- What is Medi Cal - VIDEO
Medi-Cal Managed Care HMO – Health Care Options
- Benefits Cal is a one-stop-shop to apply for...
Here you can review and choose the HMO that you want to deliver your Medi-Cal health Care.
BIC Benefits Identification Card
Covered CA (& Medi Cal) - Calculate - #Countable Sources of MAGI Income
Short Summary

Calculate your Covered CA MAGI Income
take #Line8b 11 Adjusted Gross income then add line 2a, 6a & 8 (Foreign Income)
- 1040 IRS Annual Tax Form
- Schedule 1 Additional Income & Adjustments to Lower your MAGI Income
- Estimate next years MAGI Income?
- Get instant quotes, subsidy calculation and coverages
- NO ASSET TEST for MAGI based subsidies in Covered CA or MAGI Medi Cal Qualification. Steve's VIDEO
- Nor is there a lien against your estate for Covered CA or MAGI Medi Cal
- Source - Covered CA
- Covered California’s Rates and Plans for 2025: The Most Financial Support Ever to Help More Californians Pay for Health Insurance Press Release 7/24/2024
- When Your Tax Return Income Makes You Medi-Cal Eligible Insure Me Kevin
- American Rescue Plan of 2021 (APRA) aka Covid Relief Bill - MORE subsidies!
- See footnotes & FAQ's below!
- Divide by 12 for monthly Medi Cal Figure $1,731.91
What is my Household #Size:
- Try this Flow Chart ENLARGED view for a simpler explanation
- How many dependents are on your Tax Return? Section 151
- Household Income includes all dependents on your return
- Why are they asking for my bank statement?
- Who do I call? Where’s my county office?
- Form MC 210 RV for non magi Medi Cal
Bibliography, Links & Resources
- Our historical webpage on Medi Cal Redetermination
- HHS and CMS Take Steps to Help Keep Families Connected to Coverage After the Eventual End of the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
- Medi Cal and Social Service Agency assistance
- Enroll in Medi Cal
- National Medi Cal Unwinding and Returning to Regular Operations after COVID-19
- american
- What Are the Economic and Employment Consequences of Phasing Down Medicaid Enrollment After the Public Health Emergency Ends? Commonwealth Fund
- Be sure to let Medi Cal know all your current contact info
- Key Issues for State Medicaid Programs When the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Ends
- States Can Act Now to Keep Medicaid Enrollees Covered When the Public Health Emergency Ends
- Insurers ramp up marketing as Medicaid redeterminations loom Modern Health Care
- How to transition from Medi Cal to Covered CA
- Medi Cal appeals
- Guidance from the Feds to the Status on how to catch up with redeterminations after COVID 46 pages
- Seven Million Kids Could Lose Health Coverage Soon
Medi Cal Contact Information
- #Email Addresses & Phone #'s
- Who to #contact at Medi Cal
- Main Email to Get a hold of Medi Cal --- [email protected]
- All inquiries related to Medi-Cal, including questions about terminating Medi-Cal coverage, must be referred to the beneficiary’s local county Social Services office.
- • Department of Health Care Services County Listings:
- • Covered California’s Medi-Cal page:.
- • Medi-Cal Reminders and When to Contact County Social Services:
- guide outlining information that certified enrollers can use when assisting Medi-Cal beneficiaries who may be eligible for and wish to enroll into a Covered California plan.
- • Department of Health Care Services County Listings:
- health care
- Medi-Cal Rx Customer Service Center
- Department of Health Care Services Contacts
- [email protected] regarding general Medi-Cal eligibility.
- If the question contains specific details the county or the district office that handles your case must answer.
- Benefits Cal - Enrollment Website
- • Assisting Medi-Cal Eligible Consumers FAQ:
- frequently asked questions and glossary terms to understand the Medi-Cal enrollment process and learn how to seek help for various scenarios.
- California Department of Health Care Services 1-844-253-0883
- Non MAGI Medi Cal 1.916.345.8675
- [email protected] Ms. Leslie Benson
- IHSS In Home Supportive Services
- Ombudsman Webpage
- Phone: 1-888-452-8609
- Email: [email protected]
- The Office of Ombudsman cannot approve/terminate/reinstate Medi-Cal eligibility; alter aid codes, change/update addresses, change/update name or initiate inter-county transfers.
- Complex Questions Assistance
- Health Consumer Alliance at 1-888-804-3536.
- Disability Rights California at 1-800-776-5746.
- HICAP – Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program
- CA Health Care Advocates – 1-800-434-0222 Volunteer counselors can help you understand your specific rights and health care options
- CA Health Care Advocates – 1-800-434-0222 Volunteer counselors can help you understand your specific rights and health care options
- Medi Cal Consulting Services
- National Center on Law & Elder Rights
- VITA Volunteers Income Tax Assistance
- Bet Zdedek Legal Services
- Medi Cal - Technical Comprehensive Reference Materials
- Our webpage on education, research & tutoring for a fee
- Medi Cal Counseling
- Elder Care locator
- medi
- Pdf Brochure - I was told their fee is $3k
- HICAP – Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program
See our Main Webpage on Medi Cal contact information
#Understanding Medicare Advantage Plans (PDF) #12026
- MAPD Plans look like a great deal, as the "premium" is paid by fee from the Federal Government, on average $2k/year.Kff * MAPD Plans must cover all A & B services Medicare.Gov * generally they also cover Part D Rx.
- That's why the premium is very low or ZERO!
- Set a Zoom Meeting
- We can now do SOC Scope of Appointment, before the Meeting via a 3 minute recorded meeting 2 days before. AHIP Training Module 4 Page 14 *
- #Intake Form Berwick Needs Assessment Form - We can better prepare for the meeting
- Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C): An Overview Hi Cap
- HMO - Narrow Networks?
- HI Cap CA Health Care Advocates Fact Sheet
- Do I just sign up with a Medicare Advantage Company and automatically get * Parts A & B or do I have to get those from Medicare.Gov * VIDEO
- Get Quotes, Full Information and Enroll
- MANDATED wording!: Think Advisor * ‘‘We do not offer every plan available in your area. Any information we provide is limited to those plans we do offer in your area. Please contact or 1–800–MEDICARE to get information on all of your options.’’
- We disagree with the above wording, as we can use the same tools on as they do!
- FYI a 4.27.2022 HHS Office of the Inspector General report found that MAPD plans denied 13% of prior authorizations that would have been covered under original Medicare (Conversely, Medi Gap, just follows what Medicare pays.)
- 88% of MAPD enrollees are happy
MAPD plans often include Dental & Part D - Rx Prescriptions and often have NO premiums!
How is that possible?
The Federal Government pays them around $700/month to handle your medical care. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium of about $170/month. It's best to apply when you turn 65 for the supplement plans or advantage plans, as that's the main "Open Enrollment" period, guaranteed issue for any plan.
Medicare Advantage Plans also have an annual open enrollment now known as AEP Annual Election Period October 7 to December 15th.
Additional Coverage is important as Medical Bills are increasing Seniors Credit Card Debt or leading to possible bankruptcy?
- If You Have Problems with Your Medicare Advantage Plan
- Uncle Sam wants you to help stop insurers' bogus Medicare Advantage sales tactics
- ca health advocates/using-ai-to-deny-care
- Dodging the Medicare Enrollment Deadline Can Be Costly
- Medicare Advantage Increasingly Popular With Seniors — But Not Hospitals and Doctors
- Medicare Advantage is bad for patients and bad for investors
- When Medicare Advantage Plans Terminate Coverage
- Medi-Cal D-SNP Feasibility Study
ONLINE Enrollment in Medi-Cal
How to VIDEO
#BenefitsCal is a one-stop-shop to apply for...
- Medi-Cal
- Medical Services
- CMSP (County Medical Services Program)
- GA/GR (General Assistance and General Relief )
- Cash Aid
- County Medical Services Program (CMSP),
- Food Assistance - Cal Fresh (formerly known as Food Stamps)
- How to use Eat VIDEO
- Cooking & Nutrition
- California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORKs) or check their other website
- Required Reporting
- Job Skills
- You Tube Channel Videos
Our Webpage with more detail on countable income
MAGI – Modified Adjusted Gross Income – Line 11
- Mandate Penalty California – MEC – QHP – 5000 A
- Income Chart – Line 11 1040 Covered CA MAGI
- Report a Change – How & When – Especially Income Create Account
- Table of Contents -Income, Deductions & Expenses for MAGI no index
- Disability Income – Pay Check Protection
- Estate Planning
- Life Insurance – Instant Quotes – Universal – Key Man Life
- Medi-Cal – MAGI Income Eligibility Criteria
(LONG-TERM CARE IN OWN MFBU) MC 262, namely, “#Expenses on property: $_____________?”
- Is this a home that you live in or rent out?
- Are you able to answer the questions on expenses for Insurance, taxes & utilities?
- This form was last revised over 10 years ago. It looks to me like I would just draw a line through it and answer the questions for the more specific expenses.
- See our web page on rental properties.
- My sister is on disability (stroke) and she lives with me. Am I a “family member” as stated on the form?
I just don’t understand why they would need information about my insurance, etc. Other than the fact that
I do take care of her, I am not legally responsible for her, so I should not have to answer any personal questions about myself. Correct?
We are no #longer researching and answering EVERY question we get.
Please just follow the links, references, footnotes & citations above or check with your CPA or VITA Volunteer or someone at Medi Cal that gets paid to help you.
You may post your question, below in comments and hopefully another website visitor can answer it for you. Try checking back in a week or so.
FAQ’s from our Historical Webpage